The Complete List of Russia GDRs

The Complete List of Russia GDRs trading on the London, Singapore and Luxembourg exchanges as of March 8, 2022 are shown below in a table:

Note #1Trading of Russian Companies on US Stock Exchanges Halted (Effective Feb 28, 2022)

1Acron - 144A34NFLondon Stock ExchangeChemicals
2Acron - Reg. SAKRNLondon Stock ExchangeChemicals
3Aeroflot Russian Airlines - 144A----IndustrialTransport.
4Aeroflot Russian Airlines - Reg. S----IndustrialTransport.
5En+ - 144A94PFLondon Stock ExchangeElectricity
6En+ - Reg. SENPLLondon Stock ExchangeElectricity
7Enel Russia - Reg S----Electricity
8Etalon Group - 144A62UMLondon Stock ExchangeReal Estate Inv&Serv
9Etalon Group - Reg. SETLNLondon Stock ExchangeReal Estate Inv&Serv
10Federal Grid Company - 144AFEEALondon Stock ExchangeElectricity
11Federal Grid Company - Reg. SFEESLondon Stock ExchangeElectricity
12Fix Price - 144A81CMLondon Stock ExchangeGeneral Retailers
13Fix Price - Reg. SFIXPLondon Stock ExchangeGeneral Retailers
14Global Ports - 144A8OGMLondon Stock ExchangeIndustrialTransport.
15Global Ports - Reg. SGLPRLondon Stock ExchangeIndustrialTransport.
16GlobalTrans Investment - 144A38KHLondon Stock ExchangeIndustrialTransport.
17Hydraulic Machines & Systems-HMS - 144A46GMLondon Stock ExchangeIndustrial Engineer.
18Hydraulic Machines & Systems-HMS - Reg. SHMSGLondon Stock ExchangeIndustrial Engineer.
19IG Seismic Services - 144A14VMLondon Stock ExchangeGas,H20&Multiutility
20IG Seismic Services - Reg. SIGSSLondon Stock ExchangeGas,H20&Multiutility
21Lenta Ltd - 144ALNTRLondon Stock ExchangeFood Producers
22Lenta Ltd - Reg. SLNTALondon Stock ExchangeFood Producers
23LSR Group - 144A54UDLondon Stock ExchangeConstruct.&Materials
24LSR Group - Reg.SLSRGLondon Stock ExchangeConstruct.&Materials
25Magnitogorsk Iron & Steel Work - 144A42CLLondon Stock ExchangeIndust.Metals&Mining - 144A61HELondon Stock ExchangeSoftware&ComputerSvc - Reg. SMAILLondon Stock ExchangeSoftware&ComputerSvc
28Mechel - Reg. S----Indust.Metals&Mining
29Mosenergo - 144A----Electricity
30Mosenergo - Reg. S----Electricity
31Neftynaya Companiya-Rosneft - 144A40XTLondon Stock ExchangeOil & Gas Producers
32Neftynaya Companiya-Rosneft - Reg. SROSNLondon Stock ExchangeOil & Gas Producers
33Novatek - Reg. SNVTKLondon Stock ExchangeOil & Gas Producers
34Novolipetsk Steel-NLMK - 144ANLMALondon Stock ExchangeIndust.Metals&Mining
35Novolipetsk Steel-NLMK - RegSNLMKLondon Stock ExchangeIndust.Metals&Mining
36Novorossiysk - 144A71FGLondon Stock ExchangeIndustrialTransport.
37Novorossiysk - Reg. SNCSPLondon Stock ExchangeIndustrialTransport.
38OGK - 2 - 144A----Electricity
39OGK - 2 - Reg. SOGK2London Stock ExchangeElectricity
40OJSC Magnit - 144A----Food &Drug Retailers
41OJSC Magnit - Reg. SMGNTLondon Stock ExchangeFood &Drug Retailers
42O'Key Group SA - 144A61HDLondon Stock ExchangeFood &Drug Retailers
43O'Key Group SA - Reg. S----Food &Drug Retailers
44O'Key Group SA - Reg. SOKEYLondon Stock ExchangeFood &Drug Retailers
45PhosAgro - 144A10NCLondon Stock ExchangeChemicals
46PhosAgro - Reg. SPHORLondon Stock ExchangeChemicals
47PJSC Cherkizovo Group - 144A----Food Producers
48PJSC Cherkizovo Group - Reg. S----Food Producers
49PJSC Gazprom - 144A81JKLondon Stock ExchangeOil & Gas Producers
50PJSC Inter RAO UES - 144A----Electricity
51PJSC Inter RAO UES - Reg. S----Electricity
52PJSC Lukoil - 144ALKOELondon Stock ExchangeOil & Gas Producers
53PJSC MegaFon - 144A17GKLondon Stock ExchangeMobile Telecom.
54PJSC MegaFon - Reg. SMFONLondon Stock ExchangeMobile Telecom.
55PJSC PIK Group - 144A----Real Estate Inv&Serv
56PJSC PIK Group - Reg. S----Real Estate Inv&Serv
57PJSC Polyus - 144APLZALondon Stock ExchangeIndust.Metals&Mining
58PJSC Polyus - Reg. SPLZLLondon Stock ExchangeIndust.Metals&Mining
59PJSC Rosseti - 144A - ORDINARYMRSALondon Stock ExchangeElectricity
60PJSC Rosseti - 144A - PREF----Electricity
61PJSC Rosseti - Reg. S - ORDINARYRSTILondon Stock ExchangeElectricity
62PJSC Rosseti - Reg. S - PREF----Electricity
63PJSC Uralkali - Reg. S----Chemicals
64Ros Agro - 144A62ULLondon Stock ExchangeFood Producers
65Ros Agro - Reg. SAGROLondon Stock ExchangeFood Producers
66Rostelecom - 144A----Fixed Line Telecom.
67Rostelecom - Reg. S----Fixed Line Telecom.
68RusHydro - 144A92XYLondon Stock ExchangeElectricity
69Sberbank of RussiaSBERLondon Stock ExchangeBanks
70Sberbank of Russia - 144A38LFLondon Stock ExchangeBanks
71SEMP - 144A----General Industrials
72SEMP - Reg. SSXJAFrankfurt Stock ExchangeGeneral Industrials
73Severstal - 144A50AWLondon Stock ExchangeIndust.Metals&Mining
74Severstal - Reg. SSVSTLondon Stock ExchangeIndust.Metals&Mining
75Sistema - 144ASSAALondon Stock ExchangeMobile Telecom.
76Sistema - Reg. SSSALondon Stock ExchangeMobile Telecom.
77Softline Holding PLC - 144ASFTHLondon Stock ExchangeSoftware&ComputerSvc
78Softline Holding PLC - Reg. SSFTLLondon Stock ExchangeSoftware&ComputerSvc
79Sollers - Reg. S----Automobiles & Parts
80TGK-14 - Reg. S----Electricity
81TGK-14- 144A----Electricity
82United Medical Group Cy PLC - 144AEM44Moscow ExchangeHealthCareEquip.&Ser
83United Medical Group Cy PLC - Reg SGEMCMoscow ExchangeHealthCareEquip.&Ser
84VTB Bank - 144A36GKLondon Stock ExchangeBanks
85VTB Bank - Reg. SVTBRLondon Stock ExchangeBanks
86X5 Retail Group - 144A89VSLondon Stock ExchangeFood &Drug Retailers
87X5 Retail Group - Reg. SFIVELondon Stock ExchangeFood &Drug Retailers
88X5 Retail Group - Unitary Restricted ADR----Food &Drug Retailers

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