The Composition of Chinese Household Wealth and Potential Impacts

Chinese equities have been on a roller coaster ride for the past few months. Since reaching the peak in June this year, the Shanghai Composite Index has fallen by 29%. However despite this plunge, Chinese stocks are still in the positive territory for this year.

In a Guardian article on the Chinese equity market crash and its impct on the real economy, author Heather Stewart quoted IMF’s Managing Director Christine Lagarde’s views on thi topic. From the article:

Christine Lagarde, the managing director of the International Monetary Fund, played it cool when asked about the Chinese market gyrations in a press conference on Wednesday. She pointed out that the market was still up an extraordinary 80% over the past year, and added she was not surprised the government in Beijing was intervening to prevent the “disorderly functioning” of markets.

“That is the duty of central authorities,” she said. “The fact that they want to maintain a level of liquidity that is commensurate with an orderly process is quite good.”

In other words, while some have condemned Beijing’s efforts to arrest the share slide as clunky and authoritarian, Lagarde saw it as little different to the scramble by western governments during the 2008 crisis to prevent their financial systems from seizing up.

She was relaxed, too, about the potential impact of the share price slide on China’s real economy – the shops, factories and farms that create jobs and generate growth. “We believe that the Chinese economy is resilient and strong enough to withstand that kind of significant variation in the markets,” she said.

Source: As Chinese shares fall, the real fear is that the economy itself is grinding to a halt, The Guardian

I agree with Ms.Lagarde. The Chinese “real” economy is unlikely to be impacted adversely by the ongoing chaos in its equity market. This ie because despite the media hype, equity market participation by domestic investors in China is still low relative to other countries especially developed countries like the U.S.

In an insight.ful article, Anh Lu  and Chris Kushlis T.Rowe Price note that the crash in Chinese equities is projected to have a limited impact on households since equities sccount for a small portion of Chinese household assets.

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China Household Wealth

Source: Economic Risks From China Equity Decline Appear Manageable, T.Rowe Price

Chinese households hold most of their assets in property and bank deposits and not in equities. Hence the correction in stock market should have low impact on households. Despite the media hype, fall in equity prices is unlikely to lead to negative predictions such as the collapse of the economy, the regime losing control of the state, mass panic, riots, failures of financial institutions, the economy plunging into a depression, etc.

Knowledge is Power: Global Stock Allocation, Gold, Brazil Edition

Goa Chruch
Se Cathedral, Goa, India, Built by the Portuguese in 1619

Happy Birthday – Medicaid !

Medicaid, the state-funded health insurance program for poor Americans turned 50 on July 30, 2015. The program provided care for some 80 million poor people in 2014.

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Source: The CommonWealth Fund

Before this program came into effect in 1965, poor Americans depended on charities for healthcare or simply ignored medical care when they fell sick. As the population has soared in the past few decades and millions are now enrolled in those program, the benefits of Medicaid cannot be understated. The program is especially important in the U.S where healthcare costs are the highest in the world. It is not uncommon for people to pay hundreds or even thousands of dollars for going to hospital with a simple thing like stomach pain. Here is an example of a case where a guy bitten by a rattle snake got the shock of his life when he received this bill for over $153,000 for the treatment he received there. Obviously this hospital bill shock must have shocked this guy more than the actual shock he got from the rattle snake !.

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rattle snake bite bill

Source: Man who took ‘rattlesnake selfie’ gets $153K medical bill. Today, NBC News


On a related note, I came across a story of an incredible Russian female doctor dedicating her life treating poor villagers in a village in Russia. It would be a neat exercise to receive this doctor’s views on this $153K bill the poor fellow in the U.S. received for a rattlesnake bite…..

Bloomberg: The World’s Strongest Banks 2015

Bloomberg Markets recently published the list of the world’s strongest banks for 2015. Hong Kong-based Hang Seng Bank(HSNGY) topped the ranking for the second year in a row.

The banks were selected based on many factors. From the article:

To identify the world’s strongest banks, we used the Equity Screening (EQS) function on the Bloomberg Professional service to obtain a list of public and private banks with total assets of $100 billion or more as of June 1. The banks were evaluated in five categories. The ratio of a bank’s Tier 1 capital to its risk-weighted assets accounted for 40 percent of each bank’s overall score. The ratio of nonperforming assets to total assets got a weighting of 20 percent, as did the ratio of reserves for loan losses to nonperforming assets. The ratio of deposits to funding accounted for 15 percent of the score. And the efficiency ratio, which compares costs with revenues, received a 5 percent weighting.

Banks were ranked on each criterion, and the ranking positions were weighted and combined to determine the banks’ overall scores. Lenders that reported a loss in net income were excluded. All data are for the banks’ latest fiscal year, which in most cases ended on Dec. 31, 2014. (Norinchukin Bank and a few Indian banks have a March-ending fiscal year; their ranking was based on data for the year ended on March 31, 2014.) Only banks that provided Bloomberg with data in all five categories were considered. In total, 114 banks were ranked; 13 of them are private.

The strength of Asian banks among global banks is illustrated by their dominance in this list. Of the top 10, five are from Asia. In addition to Hang Sang, Asian banks in the top ten include Norinchikin Bank of Japan, DBS Group Holdings Ltd (DBSDY), United Overseas Bank Limited (UOVEY) and Overseas Chinese Banking of Singapore. It is interesting to note that Singapore’s top three banks are in the world’s strongest banks list.

Three Swedish banks appear among the top five in the regional leaders category for Europe. These banks are Svenska Handelsbanken AB (SVNLY), Swedbank AB (SWDBY) and SEB.

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Worlds Strongest Banks


Source: Hong Kong’s Hang Seng Repeats as World’s Strongest Bank, Bloomberg Markets, July 29, 2015

Disclosure: Long SWDBY