Knowledge is Power: Canada Disappointment, Global Stock Valuations, German FDI Edition

Merry Christmas to all !

Some past articles from this site to review as you prepare for 2016:

  1. Duration of Stock Holding Periods Continue to Fall Globally
  2. 10 Reasons to Invest in Foreign Stocks
  3. Dividend Withholding Tax Rates By Country 2015
  4. The Complete List of Biotech Stocks Trading on NASDAQ
  5. The World’s Top 100 Non-Financial TNCs Ranked by Foreign Assets
  6. The Full List of Indian ADRs
  7. The Full List of Chinese ADRs
  8. The Full List of Russian ADRs
  9. The Full List of Brazilian ADRs

Tanybwlch Train Station, North Wales

Tanybwlch Train Station, North Wales, UK

Dutch Dividend Withholding Tax Rates For Tax Treaty Countries

The Dutch dividend withholding tax rates for treaty countries for 2015 is listed in the table below:

Click to enlarge 

Dutch Dividend Withholding Taxes for treaty Countries-Page 1

Source: Invest in Holland

To check the tax rates for all countries click the above image to open the table in pdf format.

For US residents Holland charges 15% in taxes on dividends paid out by Dutch companies.

Download: Dutch Dividend Withholding Tax Rates For Tax Treaty Countries 2015 (pdf)

Japan Dividend Withholding Tax Rates For Tax Treaty Countries

The Japan dividend withholding tax rates for treaty countries for 2015 is listed in the table below:

Click to enlarge 

Japan Dividend Withholding Taxes for treaty Countries-Page 1

Source: Mizuho Bank

For the tax rates for all countries click the above image to download the table in pdf format.

How to use this table?

If you are Canadian resident and hold Japanese securities, Japan will withhold 15% taxes on dividends paid out by Japanese companies.For Chinese residents the rate is lower at 10%.

Download: Japan Dividend Withholding Tax Rates For Tax Treaty Countries 2015 (pdf)