Food Stocks Offer Shelter and Some Growth in Bear Markets

In bear markets there are very few places that investors can hide. Traditionally a few sectors such as utilities, healthcare and food offer shelter from the market storm. These sectors are somewhat immune to factors such as inflation and are necessities that consumers will need even during market downturns. For example, while consumers may cut …

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Why Time in the Market is More Important Than Timing the Market

I have written many times before that time in the market is more important than timing the market, if that is even possible. It is worth repeating this concept especially during volatile market times as more investors tend to think about bailing out of the market. The problem with this idea is while it is …

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Which US Stocks Performed Better During the 1970s ?

In the 1970s, the US economy was suffering from Stagflation. This was period of high inflation and unemployment. Many experts are predicting the current economic condition could lead to a similar scenario. If the US economy enters into a period of stagflation, which stocks will perform better? According to a report by Marko Gränitz, “During the …

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Why Holding Stocks for The Long-Term is Important

One of the key traits of successful investors is the ability to think from a long-term perspective. Unlike short-term traders and speculators, long-term investors avoid all the daily noise and volatility in the markets and hold equities for the long-term as measured in years or even decades. Being patient and having the courage to not …

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Why Diversification of Assets in a Portfolio is the Key

US equity markets have performed poorly so far this year to say the least and are the edge of tuning into a bear market. Last week was especially brutal as retail and consumer staples sector were also thrashed. Sectors such as utilities and energy have offered shelter from the carnage but it remains to be …

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