Revenue Exposure Of Australia S&P/ASX 200 Index

The S&P/ASX 200 is one of the main benchmark index of the Australian equity market. The index is comprised of 200 largest firms by float-adjusted market capitalization. From a sector allocation perspective, over half of the index is made up of financials and materials as shown in the chart below: Click to enlarge Source: S&P Indices …

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55 Leading Mining and Oil Stocks in Australia

Australia is a commodity-based economy similar to Canada. Some of the major exports of Australia are coal, iron ore, agricultural products such as wheat and wool and natural gas. Accordingly the Australian equity market is dominated by mining and oil companies in addition to financials. Other than financials, investors looking for Aussie exposure may have …

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Australian Stocks: Dividend Contribution to Total Returns Since 1900

Australian stocks are known for their high dividend yields. Aussie firms tend to stable and growing dividends and investors also benefit from franking credits. Dividend payments have been consistent over the long-term when compared to stock price appreciation according to an article by Dr Shane Oliver at AMP Capital. From the article: Chart #4 A bird …

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Australian vs. Global Share Returns in 30 Years: Chart

Australian stocks have outperformed global shares in the past 30 years thru December 2016. The average annual return for Aussie stocks was 9.1% compared to 7.1% for global shares according to the following chart: Click to enlarge   Source: Fidelity Australia Download: Australian vs. Global Share Returns in 30 Years (in pdf) Related ETFs: iShares MSCI …

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