The Reason Behind Singapore’s Higher Per Capita GDP Than The U.S.

Singapore is a tiny country compared to the U.S. While the U.S. has a population of over 318 million, Singapore’s population is just 5.5 million.In terms of land sizes, the two countries are not even comparable since Singapore is a city state where one can travel from one end to the other in just half hour by car.

The GDP of Singapore was $307.0 Billion in 2014. The U.S. is one of the largest economies in the world with a GDP in excess of $17.0 Trillion in 2014. The GDP per capita figure is interesting to compare between the two countries. The U.S. GDP per capita was only $54,800 while the figure for Singapore was $81,300 in 2014.

According to an article by John Ross of Renmin University of China, Singapore’s GDP per capita in 2013 was 104% of that the U.S. calculated at current exchange rates.

The chart below shows the comparison of GDP per capita between the U.S.:

Click to enlarge

China vs US GDP per capita

The author quoted a couple of research papers noting that the economic growth of Singapore came not from productivity but from investment and labor capital accumulation.

From the article:

Singapore was a classic example of the success of an “open economy:” Singapore’s total trade is indeed considerably higher than its GDP. This is, of course, in line with the ideas behind China’s “opening up” policy. But every study shows that Singapore’s domestic development was based overwhelmingly on the huge accumulation of capital and labor, with only a tiny contribution coming from productivity growth (technically known as Total Factor Productivity, or TFP).

This reality was first noted in the 1990s by the United Kingdom-based economist Alwyn Young. His finding was used by U.S. economist Paul Krugman in a famous 1994 paper entitled “The Myth of Asia’s Miracle” to predict Asia’s coming economic failure. Krugman argued that successful economic growth should be based on productivity development, not on accumulation of capital and labor. But, of course, it was Krugman who was proved wrong as Singapore’s per capita GDP overtook even that of the U.S.

Young’s finding has since been replicated by every major study of Singapore since. The latest, by Vu Minh Khuong of the Lee Kuan Yew School of Public Policy at the National University of Singapore, is summarized in Figure 2 below. This study found that 59 percent of Singapore’s economic growth came from capital investment, 34 percent from growth of labor inputs, and only 8 percent from productivity (TFP) increases.

Sources of Growth-Singapore

In short, every study has found that Singapore’s achievement of the highest level of economic development in Asia – a higher level of per capita GDP than the U.S. – was based on massive accumulation first of capital and then of labor, with productivity growth playing a tiny, almost non-existent, role.

The contribution of productivity to economic growth is much higher in the U.S. and other developed countries. So Mr.Ross concluded that basically Singapore’s economic growth is based on quantity rather than quality.


How Singapore achieved a higher per capita GDP than the US, John Ross, Renmin University of China

The World Factbook, CIA

8 Foreign Movies to Watch on Netflix

Shares of Netflix(NFLX) closed at $613.25 yesterday after reaching as high as $618. The stock shot up on rumors that the company is working on entering China. As the Chinese market is huge, investors hope Netflix could reap substantial profits.

By any means, Netflix shares are not cheap now. The P/E is over 159. At current prices the company has a market cap of about $37.0 billion. Netflix does not pay a dividend as is common with internet growth-focused firms. Netflix is also one of the highly volatile stocks on the market. Here are few milestones for the stock price:

  • May 15, 2015 – $613
  • Jan 1, 2015 – $344
  • Jan 1, 2014 – $366
  • Dec , 2012 – Reached as low as $74
  • Jul , 2011 – Reached as high as $304

So Netflix stock is not for the faint-hearted. On any bad news, the stock can easily plunge 50% or more.

Whether you own Netflix shares or not, as a company Netflix offer excellent movies and other content. The following are eight good foreign movies that a subscriber can stream on Netflix.

Note: Click on the images to read a review on Rotten Tomatoes site.

  1. Headhunters – A Norwegian mystery and suspense thrillerHeadhunters
  2. Killer Mermaid –  2014 B movie suspense thrillerKiller Mermaid
  3. Bad Girl Island – Murder and suspense movieBad Girl Island
  4. Black Death – Story based on the plague of the 14th centuryBlack Death
  5. The Act of Killing – Brutal Documentary on the communists purge in IndonesiaThe Act of Killing
  6. City of God – Brazilian movie on kids of Rio’s FavelasCity of God
  7. Sins of my Father – Documentary on Colombia drug kingpin Pablo Escobar Sins of my Father
  8. The Alps from Above: A Symphony of SummitsThe Alps From Above


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