The Top 50 Global Pharma Companies 2015

The Pharm Exec magazine published its annual ranking of the Global Pharma companies for 2015 earlier this year. The top ranked companies are selected based on sales.

From the research report:

Specialty drug sales, record-breaking M&A paired with tax synergies, and global expansion helped to bring a new face into this year’s Pharma 50 top 10, and substantially boosted the rankings of several others.

Led by the breakout success of its hepatitis C virus (HCV) franchise, Gilead Sciences recorded $24.5 billion in global revenues for 2014. Gilead’s rise into the top 10 list of biopharmaceutical companies, up from No. 18 in last year’s ranking, demonstrates the fast-track opportunity of specialty markets, especially in areas of high unmet medical need. The company’s announcement of its first quarterly cash dividend to stockholders, to be paid out beginning this month, is a clear sign of the growth Gilead has achieved as an organization.

Other climbers like Actavis, which jumped six places from 24 to 19 this year, have pursued an opportunistic growth platform with respect to M&A. Actavis completed its $66 billion acquisition of Allergan earlier this year, and intends to change its name as a result; look for Allergan rising to take a second new spot in the top 10, in next year’s Pharma 50.

By now, the big Pharma players have all established a presence and capability in emerging markets. While the pace of growth has slowed in some emerging markets like Brazil and China, AbbVie was able to maintain its ranking position, in the No. 10 slot this year, due to its commitment to expanding the global footprint of its key products.

The Top 50 Global Pharma Companies for 2015 are shown below:

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Top Pharma Cos list-1

Top Pharma Cos list-2

Top Pharma Cos list-3

Top Pharma Cos list-4


Source: Taking Flight: Pharm Exec’s Top 50 Pharma Companies, Pharma Exec

A few observations:

  • Swiss-based Novarts(NVS) is the world’s top drug firm in terms of revenue.
  • Danish drug maker Novo Nordisk(NVO) is an excellent option for long-term investment due to stronger growth of its drugs in markets like China. First-world diseases like Diabetes, Obesity and others are starting to affect millions of people in the developing world due to changing lifestyles of food habits.
  • Bio-tech company Gilead Sciences(GILD) produces drugs that treat some of the world’s unique diseases. As the company is able to charge thousands of dollars for a single pill for these conditions its sales has skyrocketed in recent years. In markets like US where there is no price for drugs it is able to sell these high-priced drugs even to government healthcare programs at market prices. The company is also one of the top five biotech stars based on market capitalization.

Related: The Top 50 Global Pharma Companies 2014

Disclosure: No Positions

The Ten Largest U.S. Electric Utilities

The utility sector is lagging the S&P 500 this year as investors fret over the impact of rising interest rates on utilities.

For investors looking to gain exposure or take a contrarian view on this sector, the following are the ten largest US electric utilities:

1.Company: Consolidated Edison Inc. (ED)
Current Dividend Yield: 4.17%

2.Company: Northern Utilities (NU)
Current Dividend Yield: 3.62%

3.Company: Edison International (EIX)
Current Dividend Yield: 2.88%

4.Company: Portland General Elect. Co. (POR)
Current Dividend Yield: 3.46%

5.Company: Sempra Energy (SRE)
Current Dividend Yield: 3.10%

6.Company: Southern Co. (SO)
Current Dividend Yield: 5.08%

7.Company: Duke Energy Corp. (DUK)
Current Dividend Yield: 4.83%

8.Company: Entergy Corp. (ETR)
Current Dividend Yield: 5.30%

9.Company: NextEra Energy, Inc. (NEE)
Current Dividend Yield: 3.21%

10.Company: American Electric Power Co., Inc. (AEP)
Current Dividend Yield: 3.94%

Note: Dividend yields noted above are as of Sept 15, 2015. Data is known to be accurate from sources used.Please use your own due diligence before making any investment decisions.

Source: Electric Utilities:Perhaps not the Investment One Expects, Horizon Kinetics LLC

Disclosure: Long NEE

Despite Volatility Keep Calm And Stay Invested In The Market

Equity markets worldwide have become extrememly volatile in the past few weeks. After the Greek debt drama ended after many months of twists and turns, seemingly out of nowhere China took the center stage. Though the Chinese economy has been in doldrums for a year or more now, investors suddenly turned their attention to China. Changes in an economy is not an overweight process. Rather it takes many months for an economy to either enter the expansion or contracton mode. China’s economy is no different from others in this regard.

With US and other developed stock markets, going up and down violently on a daily basis like a wooden roller coaster, some investors may think of exiting this crazy market and then get back in at a later time. This is not a wise strategy for many reasons. Trying to time the market always works against an investor. While selling may be easy trying to find the clear bottom or entering the market when things calm down is easier said than done.

The following chart shows staying invested in volatile times yields excellent returns in the subsequent periods:

Click to enlarge

Stay Invested Chart-1

Here is another chart showing the impact of timing the market:

timing the market is bad chart

Source: Six strategies for volatile markets, Fidelity

Another reason for staying invested is that markets can move violently up on any day in the future. Since no one can predict the future investors can easily miss out on big gains by not staying in the market.

Click to enlarge


Source: Overcoming Your Market Fears, T.Rowe Price

In summary, the key point to always remember is that one should not panic and sell on a big down day. Instead an investor can advantage of cheaper prices and add in phases if they have the funds available.

Banking Crises: U.S. vs Canada

I came across a fascinating Journal article that I had bookmarked before in 2013 on banking crises in Canada and the US.

Since 1790, the United States has suffered 16 banking crises. Canada has experienced zero — not even during the Great Depression.

Banking Crises US vs Canada

Source: Why Canada Can Avoid Banking Crises and U.S. Can’t, WSJ, Apr 9, 2013

From the article:

That anti-populist political system — known in political science as liberal constitutionalism or liberal democracy — is a key ingredient in Canada’s stable banking track record, Mr. Calomiris contends in his paper, which is a summary of a much longer book he’s written with Stephen Haber due out in September. That’s because this kind of political system makes it difficult for political majorities to gain control of the banking system for their own purposes, the authors contend.

Populist democracies like the U.S., on the other hand, tend to create dysfunctional banking systems because a majority of citizens gain control over banking regulation that steers credit to themselves and to their friends at the expense of the citizens that are excluded from the banking system, he said.

The contrast between the U.S. and Canada was part of Mr. Calomiris broader argument that dysfunctional banking systems — which are by far the norm rather than the exception around the world — are the result of political factors.

“Whether societies have dysfunctional banking systems is really not a technical issue at all. It’s a political issue,” Mr. Calomiris said at the conference, introducing his premise as “we do know how to avoid dysfunctional banking but that we make political choices – you might even say consciously” not to have functional banking systems for most of the modern era in most countries of the world.

The history of the U.S. banking system is one in which the government forms partnerships with different interest groups at different points in history, and those coalitions jointly influenced the way the banking system was regulated, Mr. Calomiris argues.

“In populist democracies, such as the United States, the regulation of banking is used as a political tool to favor some parties over others. It is not that the dominant political coalition in charge of banking policy desires instability, per se, but rather, that it is willing to tolerate instability as the price for obtaining the benefits that it extracts from controlling banking regulation,” he writes in his paper.

Other ountries that have been crisis free are Singapore, Malta, Hong Kong, New Zealand and Australia.

Here are some exceprts from a NBER paper related to this topic:

When European and North American banks teetered on the brink of meltdown in 2008, requiring bailouts and extraordinary central bank intervention, Canadian banks escaped relatively unscathed. History explains why, according to co-authors Michael Bordo, Angela Redish, and Hugh Rockoff in Why Didn’t Canada Have a Banking Crisis in 2008 (or in 1930, or 1907, or …)? (NBER Working Paper No. 17312). Starting in the nineteenth century, Canada and the United States took divergent paths: Canada set up a concentrated banking system that controlled mortgage lending and investment banking under the watchful eye of a single, strong regulator. The United States allowed a weak, fragmented system to develop, with far more small (and less stable) banks, along with a shadow banking system of less-regulated securities markets, investment banks, and money market funds overseen by a group of competing regulators.

“[T]he stability of the Canadian banking system is not a one-off event,” the authors note. “In Canada the banking system was created as a system of large financial institutions whose size and diversification enhanced their robustness…. In the [United States] the fragmented nature of the banking system created financial institutions that were small and fragile. In response the [United States] developed strong financial markets and a labyrinthine set of regulations for financial institutions.”

The contrast is striking. While in 2008 and 2009 the United States experienced bank failures, bailouts, and the worst recession since the 1930s, Canada had no bank failures, no bailouts, and its recession was less severe than either that of the early 1980s or early 1990s. Long before 2008 in the United States, there were the failures of the private investment bank Jay Cooke and Co. (the 1873 crisis), the Knickerbocker Trust (the 1907 panic), and the runs on banks that deepened the Great Depression. Although Canada’s economy suffered a collapse equally as dramatic as America’s in the 1930s, not one of its banks failed.

“The twin weaknesses of the American financial system — a commercial banking system divided along state lines and volatile financial markets in which a ‘shadow banking system’ of unregulated or lightly regulated investment banks and other financial intermediaries participated — produced a series of financial panics,” the authors write. “There were major banking panics in 1837, 1857, 1873, 1893, and 1907, and minor panics in 1839, 1884, and 1890.”

Source: Why Canada Didn’t Have a Banking Crisis in 2008, NBER

The entire journal article and the NBER paper is worth a read.