Comparing Dividend Yields Across Regions

Investors looking for income from equities have to look far beyond the US shores for higher yields. This is because dividend yields in the US declined many decades and continue to remain low relative to other developed markets. For example, the current dividend yield on the S&P 500 is 1.90%. But the dividend yields in Europe and Asia are much as higher as shown in the chart below:

Click to enlarge

Note: The yields shown above are as of July 31, 2018

Source:Three reasons to diversify in the hunt for equity income, Schroders

it should be noted that dividend withholding taxes are high in some countries and will reduce the net yield received by investors. For example, the Swiss dividend withholding tax rate for non-residents is 35%.

Despite the taxes and other factors such as foreign currency exchange risk it is important for income-seeking investors to diversify among different regions.

Eight Economic Facts About Kazakhstan

Kazakhstan is one the former Soviet republics located in Central Asia. It is the largest landlocked country in the world and the ninth largest in the world in terms of size. In the investment world, the market is considered as a Frontier Market.

The following are eight economic facts about Kazakhstan:

  1. The country is strategically located on the corridor linking China with Russia and Europe making it the “Buckle” of China’s Belt and Road Initiative (BRI).
  2. Kazakhstan leads Central Asia in economic growth and Foreign Direct Investment (FDI).
  3. It joined the World Trade Organization(WTO) in 2015.
  4. About 9,000 foreign firms operate in the country.
  5. The Corporate tax rate is 20% and the personal income tax rate is 10% for residents.
  6. Investment in transportation infrastructure has been huge. The 2,700 km Kazakh part of the highway network connecting Western China and Europe has been completed and so is the rail network connecting China with Europe.
  7. Kazakhstan ranks 28th among 190 countries in The World Bank Ease of Doing Business Index.
  8. In 2017, the top five major export markets were Italy, China, The Netherlands, Russia and Switzerland.

Source: Why Invest in Kazakhstan? ad in BusinessWeek

Astana City View


Bear Markets in Australian Stocks since 1900

The bear markets in Australian stock market since the 1900 is shown in the table below. The first column shows the bear market dates – bear market being defined as a decline of 20% that is not reversed within the next 12 months. The second column shows the duration in months and the third shows the percentage of decline.The fourth column shows the percentage change 12 months after the 20% decline and the last column shows if Australia or the US or both were in recession.

Click to enlarge

Source:Corrections, gummy bears and grizzly bears in shares by Dr Shane Oliver, AMP Capital

The worst bear market was during 1973-74 when stocks fell by 59%. During the most recent Global Financial Crisis(GFC) of 2008-09, stocks crashed by 55%. This was the second worst performance in the history of Aussie stock market.

The red color rows shows severe bear markets where the market continued to decline 12 months after the 20% fall.


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