One Decade’s Winner Could Become Next Decade’s Loser

In the equity market, the only thing that is constant is change. To put it another way, today’s winner could be tomorrow’s loser. So investors have to be cautious in betting too much on one company or sector with plans to hold them for the long term measured in decades or forever. For example, some of today’s over-hyped market darlings include Facebook(FB), Amazon(AMZN), Alphabet(GOOG) , Microsoft(MSFT) and Netflix(NFLX).  Their market caps are in the billions or even a Trillion. However though they are top firms in this decade, there is no guarantee that they will stay that way in the next decade. Microsoft was already dead once during the dot com collapse but somehow was able to survive and revive due to its monopoly power.

All the others can easily be dislodged from their pedestal by some upstart in the next decade. For instance, Facebook in the most basic sense is a website that harvests personal information and makes money by selling ads. This idea can easily be copied or even made better by a startup in the future. The same goes for Amazon which is nothing but a giant flea market. One does not need to be a genius to set up a website and sell stuff. To make it even easier, one doesn’t need to sell goods on their own. Instead simply have other third-party sellers sell products on the site and make money by commissions.

With that said, the past provides a great example of what we can learn with regards to winners turning into losers. The following chart shows the top 10 firms by market capitalization globally in each decade.

Click to enlarge

Source: AN INVESTMENT THESIS FOR THE 2020S by Louis-Vincent Gave, Evergreen Gavekal

The chart shows that most of the top firms in one decade do not make it to the next.

In 2000, some of the top firms were General Electric(GE), Cisco Systems(CSCO), Intel(INTC), Lucent Technologies. Since that peak GE has been a dead man walking. Today anyone with a sane mind would touch GE with a 10-foot pole. Lucent ended up a disaster as well and disappeared long time.

Similarly in the last decade, the leaders included companies like Petrobras(PBR). Now its a former shadow of itself. After a huge fraud was uncovered in Brazil’s world-class wonder, the company’s stock collapsed and almost became worthless.

So in summary, the important point to remember is no firm can be in the 1op 10 ranking decade after decade. Some of today’s market leaders will turn into losers or even disappear altogether. It is entirely possible that in 2030s or 2040s there may case studies written on the dramatic rise and stunning collapse of firms like Amazon, Facebook, etc.

Disclosure: Long PBR

Market Share of U.S. Airline Industry 2018: Chart

Four major airlines account for 81% of the domestic capacity in the US. These airlines are Delta(DAL), American(AAL), United (UAL) and Southwest(LUV). The rest of the market is shared by a few discount carriers.

The market share of the US airline industry is shown in the chart below:

Click to enlarge

Source: How Will Airports Keep Up With Travel Demand?, August 21, 2019, U.S. Global Investors

There are two regional airlines called Mesa Air Group Inc(MESA) and SkyWest, Inc (SKYW). But these are feeder airlines that are used by the big carries such as Delta. Passengers can book seats only thru the big carriers. However these regional airlines are traded publicly.

Update – 11/28/23:

1)US Airlines Market Share 2022 – Chart:

Source: Zippia

Disclosure: No Positions

The Top 10 Visited Countries by Britons: Chart

Europeans are the world’s most prolific travelers. From seeking sun to sand and everything in between Europeans travel all the world. Britons especially travel abroad for many including cheaper prices, better weather and other factors.

The following table shows the Top 10 countries visited by Britons based on 2017 data:

Click to enlarge

Source:Which travel destinations have the cheapest car hire? Britons’ favourite holiday location Spain is fifth, as we reveal the top ten, This is Money

Spain is the most visited country followed by France and Italy. The sunny weather in Spain is like heaven compared to the awful weather in the UK most of the year. Greece is not as popular to Britons as the Germans. Greek islands are highly popular with Germans and they constitute the largest foreign visitors in many Greek islands including Crete.

S&P 500 Price vs. Total Return Over 5 Years: Chart

The S&P 500 is up by 19.59% year-to-date based on price only. However based on total return which includes dividend reinvestment the return is 21.36% so far this year. In the past few years the dividend yield on the index is around 2%. Though the yield is small, the difference between the price return and total return over the long term – such as a 5-year period will be high due to the magic of compounding.

The following chart shows the S&P 500 Price vs. Total Return over the past 5 years:

Click to enlarge

Source: Yahoo Finance

Over the past 5 years, the total return earned an investor 16% more than the price return. This shows the even a low yield of 2% can lead to much higher returns over many years.

Related ETF:

  • SPDR S&P 500 ETF (SPY)

Currently no ETF tracks the S&P 500 Total Return Index.

Disclosure: No Positions