The STOXX Europe 600 Index Companies’ Sales by Country/Region

We have looked at S&P 500 companies’ sales by region/country before. In this post let us review the revenue composition of European companies by region/country using the The STOXX Europe 600 Index. The STOXX Europe 600 Index is represents 600 large, mid and small capitalization companies across 17 countries of the European region: Austria, Belgium, Czech …

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Can a Stock Price Decline from $1.483 BILLION per Share To just $1.40 per Share?

Investing in the equity markets is not for the faint-hearted. Many questionable companies’ stocks trade everyday on markets worldwide. One example of the extreme case of public company is NASDAQ-listed Greek shipping company DryShips Inc (DRYS). According to a post in FT Alphaville recently, the share price of DRYS has plunged from from $1.483 BILLION per Share from …

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Comparing Dividend Yields Across Global Developed Regions Since 1997

Dividend yields across regions vary widely. For example, a 2% yield is considered high for Japanese equities whereas that would be low for Australian stocks as the Aussie equity market is one of the top markets for high dividend payers. According to a research report by Vanguard, a 2% yield on a Japanese stocks may seem low …

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Emerging Market Stocks are Cheaper Relative to US Stocks

In a post yesterday I discussed about the elevated levels of US stocks. In today’s article let us take a look at how emerging stocks are cheaper compared to US stocks based on a recent research report. From a research report by Charlie Wilson,Phd , Portfolio Manager at Thornburg Investment Management: Despite the improvement in …

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