5 Types of Economic Moats

One of the strategies when investing in equities is to identify companies with a moat. This refers to a company’s ability to maintain its competitive edge and maintain profitability in the future by beating competitors. According to Morningstar, there are 5 types of moats as shown in the below chart: Click to enlarge Source: Morningstar …

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How to Invest in the Blue Chips of the Eurozone

The simple and easy way to invest in Eurozone blue chips is with an ETF that tracks the The EURO STOXX 50® Index. This index represents the 50 largest companies in the Eurozone countries based on free-float market cap. The companies include the major sectors such as technology, banks, industrial goods, consumer good, chemicals, etc. …

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Texas Instruments is a Fantastic Dividend Growth Stock

The tech industry is not known for many stocks paying a dividend. Accordingly, most investors would not consider the industry when hunting for dividend growth stocks. However there are exceptions. According to an article by Algy Hall at CityWire, semiconductor maker Texas Instruments(TXN) is a winner. The stock has grown its dividend by an astonishing …

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Historical Drawdowns of 15% or more in the S&P 500 Index Since 1928: Chart

The S&P 500 is down just over 16% so far this year as of Nov 25th. The index was down much more earlier in the ongoing bear market. From June thru mid-August stocks recovered only to plunge again. So wise investors are cautiously waiting if the current rise from October will stand. Many market participants …

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