Mark Mobius: Mexico Is a Standout in Latin America

Mobius and his team think that Mexico is a standout in Latin America. Some of the reasons for this uniqueness include the country’s closeness to the U.S. and dependence on the US economy, less reliance on oil revenues, etc. From a recent blog post by Rodolfo Ramos Cevallos, Templeton Emerging Markets Group: Over the last two decades, …

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Mexico is Becoming More Attractive to U.S. Manufacturing Firms

Mexico’s economy boomed when the country signed the North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA) nearly two decades ago. The manufacturing sector especially thrived as U.S. firms shifted their operations to Mexico to take advantage of the cheap labor costs. As a result Mexico’s share of U.S. manufactured goods import rose from slightly about 4% in 1994 to …

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Mexico Stocks Reach Record High

Mexico’s IPC Index is on a roll this year.The index reached a new all-time yesterday and closed at 43,183.28. Relative to Mexican stocks, Brazilian stocks have lagged this year. Indeed Brazil’s Bovespa and the IPC index have diverged in performance since early 2010 as shown in the chart below: Click to enlarge Source: Yahoo Finance …

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Most Mexican Exchange-Listed ADRs are Up YTD

Mexico is one of the best performing emerging market this year. Mexico’s IPC index is up 9.7% so far this year. Despite the drug violence investors have been bidding up Mexican stocks  due to strong economic growth and political reforms. From an article in The Wall Street Journal in August: Earlier this year, Mexican shares were …

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Five Mexican ADRs under $10

The following five Mexican ADR stocks closed under $10 yesterday: 1.Maxcom Telecomunicaciones (MXT) Sector: Telecom Closing Price on Oct 19th: $3.65 2.Cemex (CX) Sector: Construction &Materials; Closing Price on Oct 19th: $7.71 3.Grupo TMM (TMM) Sector: Industrial Transportion Closing Price on Oct 19th: $2.81 4.GRUMA (GMK) Sector: Food Producers Closing Price on Oct 19th: $6.00 …

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