Chart: Greek Sovereign Debt

Greece is the birthplace of democracy. However modern-day Greece can be considered as a “failed state” by some measures. For example, the country is notorious for tax evasion from ordinary people to billionaire shipping magnates. No wonder, Greece is the poorest country in developed Europe. For better or worse, Greece was included in the European Union. In …

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On the Performance of Greek Bank Stocks Year to Date

The Greek people elected PM Alexis Tsipras of the left-wing SYRIZA party in the recent election. Since his election, he has canceled some of the austerity programs and has reinstated certain laid public workers such as street cleaning ladies.Greece is without a doubt on a collision course with its creditors.According to one report, Greece owes  some €315bn …

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The Top 10 Trade Partners of Greece

Greece is on the southern end of Europe and has an archipelago of 2,000 islands. The economy is a medium size economy in Europe with an estimated GDP of $267.0 billion based on Purchasing Power Parity. Greece has democracy as the political system and a free market capitalist economy. One of the major negative factors …

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