BRIC’s Trade With MENA Region Rising

Trade between the Middle East and North Africa (MENA) region and the BRIC countries is increasing yearly since 2001 as shown in the graph below: Click to enlarge Source: Two years of Arab Spring: Where are we now? What’s next?, Deutsche Bank Research Resource hungry China and India are interested in the natural resources of the …

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P/E Ratios of Emerging Markets

The Price to Earnings(P/E) ratio is one measure to determine if a market or a stock is cheap of expensive. P/E ratios alone cannot be used as a deciding factor in investment selections. However it can be used in conjunction with other factors to identify potential investment opportunities and markets or stocks to avoid. The …

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Public Sector Banks’ Market Share in Banking Remains High in Emerging Countries

State-owned banks play a dominant role in the banking industry in many emerging markets such as Brazil, China, India, etc.Unlike private sector and foreign banks, state-owned banks are highly influenced by local politicians and the government.Hence it is not unusual for these banks to lend liberally to projects such as infrastructure development, housing, etc. that …

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Comparing Exports of Goods Among BRICs

Brazil, Russia, India and China vary widely in terms of goods exports as shown in the following graph. Manufactured goods form a major portion of goods exports for China and South Korea compared to agricultural products, fuels and minerals. Russia’s goods exports is dominated by crude oil and natural gas. India is also a large …

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