10 Calorie Heavy Foods and Time To Burnoff The Calories

Some of the popular foods are heavy in calories. For example, foods like Pizza, Sandwich, Cinnamon Roll, etc. are high calories and accordingly it takes more time in physical activity to burn them off. Even sugary drinks have high calories. The following chart shows 10 popular foods and the time it takes to burn off …

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Obesity Rates in Europe by Country: Chart

Obesity is a big health issue in many countries around the world. In the developed world, the US takes the top rank for the most obese population. According to the latest obesity data published by the OECD, Mexico has the highest obesity rates or overweight population in the world followed by Chile and the US. …

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Health Epidemics and MSCI World Index Performance 1970-2020

I have written a few articles earlier on pandemics and equity markets which can be found here and here and here. The following chart shows the major health epidemics and the performance of the MSCI World Index since 1970. The index has powered through global health epidemics such as Dengue, Zika Virus, SARS, Swine Flu, …

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