Pyramid Distribution of US Equity Total Returns From 1825 To 2020: Chart

The distribution of US equity returns based on total returns from 1825 to 2020 is shown in the chart below. Many studies have proven that over the long-term equities tend to yield a positive return than a negative return. The chart below confirms that as well. The only time US stocks as represented by the …

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The Sources of Energy of G20 Countries: Chart

Coal is still one of the major energy sources in many parts of the world especially in Asia. Countries such as China, India, Indonesia, etc. rely on coal for their energy needs more than other sources. South Africa, for example depends on coal for 71% of its energy requirements according to a recent article at …

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The Psychology of Retail Investors: Chart

One of the main factors that differentiates successful investors from average or unsuccessful investors is psychology. This is especially true with retail investors. Many retail investors are prone to timing the market. Instead of having a long-term view and being patient they try to  get in and get out of the market at perfect times. …

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S&P 500 Index Annual Returns From 1926 To 2020: Chart

Stocks generally tend to perform well over the long-term. However in the short-term stocks can be volatile and extreme crashes are also possible. Since it is impossible to predict when the equity market soar or decline it is wise to be patient and hold investments over many years. The US equity market has had many …

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Growth of Consumer Price Index (CPI) vs. Tuition Inflation: Chart

College tuition in the U.S. has increased consistently for many years now. I have written a few articles on this topic some of which can be found here and here and here. The following chart shows college tuition has more than double since 2001 relative to Consumer Price Index (CPI): Click to enlarge Source: Your Personal …

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