Australian Bank Stocks Offer Potential Investment Opportunities

Australian banks have been one of the poor performers among the developed world’s banks for many years. In fact, the stock prices of the major banks except Commonwealth Bank are below where they were 10 years based on prices in the domestic market. The banks have gone nowhere per most investors. The following chart shows …

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Eight Charts on the Australian Economy

The Australian economy is one of the largest among the developed countries. With a GDP of about $1.5 Trillion the economy is smaller than the Canadian economy. Similar to Canada, Australia is also a resource-based economy. To put it another way, Australia mostly depends on simply digging up what’s under the ground and exporting to …

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Why Australian Investors Need To Invest In International Markets

One of the strategies for Australian investors to earn higher returns is to invest in overseas markets. Simply going with Australian domestic equities is not the best idea since markets aboard can yield better returns. In addition, it also offers diversification benefits. The Australian economy is mainly composed of old economy sectors. The major sectors …

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Historical Annual Returns of the Australian Stock Market From 1980 Thru 2022

The Australian economy is a resource-based economy similar to Canada. Exports of commodities such as coal, iron ore, etc. are critical for the economy. In fact, natural resources account for 68% of exports with China being the top export market. With that said, the Australian equity market has performed relatively well in recent years. The …

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