Annual Total Return of Key Market Indices 2012 to 2021: Chart

One of the simplest and easiest ways to reduce risk with investing in equity markets is via diversification. Instead of putting all eggs in one basket it is wise to spread the assets in a portfolio across many asset classes, types, regions, countries, sectors, etc. The following chart shows the total return of key indices …

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Stock Market Investing: India vs. China – Which is Better?

Higher economic growth does not necessarily lead to higher equity market returns and vice versa. I have written about this concept many times before. So it is wise not to invest in the equities of a country just because the economy is growing strongly. Over the past three decades or so, China and India have …

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Historical Drawdowns of 15% or more in the S&P 500 Index Since 1928: Chart

The S&P 500 is down just over 16% so far this year as of Nov 25th. The index was down much more earlier in the ongoing bear market. From June thru mid-August stocks recovered only to plunge again. So wise investors are cautiously waiting if the current rise from October will stand. Many market participants …

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The Top 50 Global Mining Companies 2022

Global equity markets have been volatile this year with most being mostly down. In the commodity markets, its been a similar story with some shining while others falling year-to-date. For example, energy- related commodities such as crude oil, natural gas and coal have been big winners. Even Uranium had one of the best years. The …

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