Four Charts on the Importance of Dividend Investing

Dividends are an important part of total returns on an equity investments. Though dividend yields and dividend growth rate may seem small in many cases, the power of compounding over the long-term tend to boost total returns significantly. In this post, let’s take a look at four charts that demonstrate the importance of dividends. 1.Total …

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College Tuition in the U.S. is Too Damn High

The price to go to college has become very expensive and continues to remain high. Both public and private universities charge tuition and other fees that is adding crushing debt to the middle class. The reasons for the high price of a college education are vast that it would take a Ph.D.-level thesis or a …

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All Latin American Bank Stocks Are In The Red

Among the foreign bank stocks trading on the US exchanges, all the Latin American bank stocks are down year-to-date as of last Friday (July 16, 2021) in addition to Credit Sussie (CS) of Switzerland. Credit Sussie is down about 24% due to multiple corruption and other charges currently ongoing against the bank. Chilean banks plunged …

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Quick Check on the Performance of U.S. Airline Stocks so far This Year

US airline stocks soared last year towards the end of the year when a vaccine for Covid-19 was discovered. When Covid-19 started raging in the country in early last year the airline sector was one of the worst affected in addition to other sectors like hospitality and restaurants. This year though the story is different. …

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