Beyond Meat: One Heavily Shorted Stock

Fake meat firm Beyond Meat, Inc. (BYND) is one of the most heavily shorted stock at discount brokerages according to a note in The Wall Street Journal yesterday. In addition to the fake meat sector, the cannabis sector is also most shorted by market participants. NASDAQ listed Tilray Inc(TLRY) is one example in the Cannabis space.

The following chart shows the BYND stock price since its IPO:

Click to Enlarge

Source: Yahoo Finance

After reaching over $234 in July this year, the stock has plunged more than 50% and reached a low of about $98 yesterday. The hype over this new “revolutionary”industry seems to be wearing off. It won’t be a surprise if the stocks goes all the way to low double digits.

For investors looking at shorting, one other possible candidate is Wayfair Inc(W), the online furniture retailer.

Caution: Shorting stocks is not suitable for most retail investors as the potential for losses can be infinite, at least technically. 

Disclosure: No Positions

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