Products Comparison: Google, Amazon, Facebook and Apple

The following chart shows the various products offered by Google’s parent Alphabet(GOOG), Amazon(AMZN), Facebook(FB) and Apple(AAPL).Competition is fierce among these major tech companies. For example, in the payments field Google owns Android Pay while Apple has its own Apple Pay. Similarly in the hardware space, Amazon’s Alexa is the latest craze sweeping the country. Since getting …

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Number of Publicly Listed German Companies Continue To Decline

The number of publicly listed companies continue to decline in many countries around the world. In earlier posts, I have discussed about the fall in public companies in the US and UK. The number of public companies listed continues to fall in Germany also as show in the chart below: Click to enlarge Source: The …

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On Globalization and the Economic Output of G-20 Countries

Globalization has been a boon to global economic growth in the past few decades. Millions of people in the developing world have been lifted out of poverty and entered the middle class. However globalization is a zero-sum game with clear winners and losers. In the developed world workers who lost their jobs due to globalization …

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In the Age of Disruption Which Sectors Offer Investment Opportunities?

Disruption of incumbent businesses or entire industries is the latest strategy sweeping Silicon Valley. Thousands of young and highly educated professionals working in the startup world are finding ways to do things efficiently and cheaply. For example, Uber and Airbnb are examples of two disruptors that have cracked the taxi and hotel industries respectively. For …

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US Non-Immigrant Visas Issued by Nationality 2016

The U.S. issues millions of visas each year in two categories – immigrant and non-immigrant visas. Most of the visas issued are the later category which includes all types of visas such as tourist visas, business visitor visas, work visas, etc. In Fiscal Year 2016, nearly 10.4 million such visas were issued worldwide. About 45% …

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