Keep Calm and Buy These 10 Foreign Stocks

The extreme volatility in the equity markets in the past few weeks are making many investors nervous. Some of them are making the wrong moves based on emotions. Yesterday’s Wall Street Journal had an article discussing how some people are liquidating their equity holdings and moving into cash. From the article titled “Tired of Ups …

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The Next U.S. Crisis Could be Worse Than the Previous One

The U.S. markets made a dramatic turnaround today with the S&P 500 soaring 4.1% in the final 50 minutes of trading. Up until few weeks ago US stocks had held up well compared to European stocks as investors assumed the European debt crisis would have a smaller impact here. However despite the perceived strength of …

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Country Indices Annual Returns from 2001 to 2010

The periodic table of investment returns for country indices annual returns from 2001 to 2010 are shown in the chart below: Click to enlarge   Source: Skloff Financial Group Some observations: In the Global Financial Crisis (GFC) of 2008, the BRIC countries were some of the hardest hit countries with the Russian market loosing nearly …

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Why You Should Listen to Warren, Not Buffett

Mr.Warren Buffett is one of the US billionaires and chairman of the Berkshire Hathaway Inc. Ms.Elizabeth Warren is an attorney, Harvard law professor, and a United States Senate candidate. I came across an interesting article with the same title as above by John DeFeo in The reason for Warren’s newfound Internet stardom is simple. …

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Why Emerging Markets Are Attractive Relative To Developed Markets

In an increasingly globalized world, the dominance of the US over the global economy is declining. For example, in the past six years the U.S. share of total global market capitalization has fallen from an average of 57% in 2003 to 49% currently according to a report by Morgan Stanley. Much of this weight has …

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