U.S. Investors Putting More Money Into Foreign Stocks

I have written many times before that most U.S. investors are underweight in their exposure to foreign markets. Despite the stagnant economy at home and tremendous growth in foreign markets, Americans still cling to the idea that U.S. stocks are somehow safer and better than international stocks. They can easily earn higher returns going overseas. …

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Emerging Markets:Soaring Auto Sales Should Benefit Infrastructure Companies

The huge rise in the middle-class population in emerging countries such as India, China, Brazil, etc. is leading to strong growth in automobile sales. For example, 13.6 million cars, trucks and other vehicles were sold in China in 2009 making it the largest auto market in the world ahead of the U.S.  This figure represents …

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Stocks Beat Commodities In the Long Run

In recent years ordinary investors have been attracted to all types of commodities such as gold, silver, oil, natural gas, etc. primarily due to the poor performance of equities and also the availability of easy avenues to invest in them such as ETFs. Despite all the glamor of investing in commodities, equities are still the …

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Employment Growth Lags GDP Revival In Recoveries

The Great Recession that started in December 2007 ended in June 2009, according to The National Bureau of Economic Research. While the recovery from June last year has been modest, the unemployment rate has worsened since then and now continues to hover around the 10% mark. According to official figures, in November the U.S. unemployment …

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