The Russell 2000 Index measures the performance of about 2000 U.S. small cap stocks. The stocks are selected based on market cap and current index membership.
The index components are rebalanced annually so that larger stocks do not distort the performance of this pure small cap index. As of December, 2009 the average weighted market cap is $1.0 B and the largest company by market cap is about $5.6B. Financial services, technology, consumer discretionary, health care and producer durables form the top5 sectors in this index.
Some of the ETFs that track the Russell 2000 Index include iShares Russell 2000 Index Fund(IWM), ProShares Ultra Russell2000(UWM) and ETFS Russell 2000 Fund(RTWO).
The table below 30 components of this index that have dividend yields greater than 10%: