Stocks Perform Better When Inflation Falls

The US equity market is in the grip of a brutal bear. The summer rally seems long ago and may have pulled additional investors who though the bear market was over. Inflation is still raging and the Federal Reserve has made it clear that they will not rest until soaring inflation is tamed. This week’s another 0.75 percentage increase in interest rates is another reminder of their plan in action.

According to the Labor Department, the consumer price index rose 8.3% in August relative to the same month last year. The actual inflation rate faced by consumers is much higher in most cases. From airfares to cars to insurance to food and everything in between we are learning how high inflation rate hurts. Up until a few years inflation was mostly non-existent in the US other than few select sectors such as college tuition or healthcare for instance. Now inflation is across the board. That has got the attention of the Fed which until recently was claiming it was just transitory.

Many investors are wondering whether inflation is good or bad for stocks. One could argue that inflation could help stocks since when companies raise prices they generate higher profits. But the problem with this argument that not all companies can jack up prices to what they want without consumers noticing it. In addition, since the US economy is a consumption driven economy consumers can also simply avoid or reduce their purchases if prices become too high. According to a research note posted by Jeffrey DeMaso at Adviser Investments, the S&P 500 has performed much better during times of falling inflation than during times of rising inflation as shown in the chart below. The average annual S&P 500 return, since its inception in 1957 to 2021 was 13% when inflation fell and just 4.3% when inflation rose.

Click to enlarge

Source: Chart of the Week: Inflation Rates and Stock Prices, Adviser Investments

Related ETF:

  • SPDR S&P 500 ETF Trust (SPY)

Disclosure: No positions

Bull vs. Bear Market in Canadian Stocks 1924 To 2021: Chart

Canada’s benchmark S&P/TSX Composite Index down 13% so far this year. The S&P 500 on the other hand is in a bear market with a decline of over 22%. Booming commodity markets especially oil earlier in the year benefitted Canada. It remains to be seen if the TSX Composite holds up well thru the end of the year with a global recession looming on the horizon.

As in other developer markets, bull markets have been longer than bear markets in the Canadian context also. Data from 1924 to 2021 show that the average bull market lasted for 37 months and returned 110% while the average bear market length was 14 months with a loss of 34%.

Click to enlarge

Source: Russell Investments

Related ETFs:

  • SPDR S&P 500 ETF Trust (SPY)
  • iShares MSCI Canada ETF (EWC)

Disclosure: No positions

Prescription Drug Spending in the US: Infographic

Spring on Prescription Drugs has been increasing exponentially in the past few decades according to research by Peter G. Peterson Foundation. It can argued that though other developed countries are able to procure prescription drugs at cheaper prices, the US case is different in the sense that many factors that apply in other countries are not applicable in the county. The foundation’s research identified the following reasons for the high cost of prescription drugs in the US:

That growth in spending can be attributed to many factors, including the number and type of drugs prescribed. Some common reasons include:

High and rising prices for brand-name drugs;

a lack of competition due to the U.S patent system;

the use and cost of specialty drugs; and

a lack of transparency in drug prices.

The infographic below shows some additional facts on prescription drug spending:

Click to enlarge


Why Investors Should Stay Invested During Bear Markets

The US equity market is in a bear market this year. The S&P 500 is down about 19% year-to-date. After a few months of relentless declines, stocks saw a brief run up during the summer. That brief bull run seems to have ended and equities are heading in the downward direction again. The Federal Reserve is projected to raise interest rates again sharply next week. It remains to be seen if they can tame soaring inflation and avoid the economy going into a recession.

With that said, though bear markets are horrible to go through it is wise to stay invested for the long-term. This is because bear markets tend to end inevitably at some point and stocks tend to go up in the long run. Since it is impossible to predict when markets would turn directions, it is not smart trying to time the market. The following chart shows the growth of $1 from 1926 thru the end of 2021:

Click to enlarge

Source: Morningstar, National Bureau of Economic Research, and BlackRock, as of 12/31/21. Past performance does not guarantee or indicate future results. It is not possible to invest in an index. U.S. stocks are represented by the S&P 500 Index  from 3/4/57 to 12/31/21 and the IA SBBI U.S. Lrg Stock TR USD Index from 1/1/26 to 3/4/57, unmanaged indexes that are generally considered representative of the U.S. stock market during each given time period. Index performance is for illustrative  purposes only. It is not possible to invest directly in an index. Assumes reinvestment of dividends and capital gains and that an investor stayed fully invested over the full period.

This chart illustrates the long-term performance of the S&P 500 Index going back to the 1920s. Even though the market, as measured by that index, has endured painful selloffs and down periods, such as the Great Depression or the 2008 Global Financial Crisis, over the long term the index has climbed. An investment of $1000 in 1926 would have grown to $14,088,112 by the end of 2021.

Source: Why should investors stay invested during market volatility?, Daniel Prince, iShares

Another important point to note from the above chart is that not many investors are going to hold stocks such a long time. However even during other shorter periods stocks have gone up more than down. For instance, the market has gone through many negative events in recent years including the SARS Outbreak, the bursting of the Tech Bubble, Global Financial Crisis(GFC), etc. Despite all this the S&P 500 is much higher today than before these events.

Related ETF:

  • SPDR S&P 500 ETF Trust (SPY)

Disclosure: No positions