The 32 Largest German Companies By Revenue 2012

** UPDATE ** 

For the latest list checkout : The Top German Companies By Revenue 2016 (TFS)


Germany has the largest economy in Europe and is a key member of the European Union. Unlike other European countries the German economy weathered the recent European crisis well and the country helps rescue other debt-ridden EU members. Germany is in the news this week due to its strict and harsh bailout conditions imposed via the EU on the tiny island country of Cyprus.

With a strong manufacturing base and an export-oriented economy Germany is considered as the powerhouse of Europe. Germany was also a pioneer in many innovative policies long before other developed countries.For example,  Kaiser William I also known as the Chancellor Bismarck introduced the pension system for older workers in the late 1880s. This program was later emulated by other countries.

Here are some interesting facts about Germany:

  • In 2011, Germany’s population was about 82 million.
  • Public debt as a share of GDP was about 82.0% in 2012.
  • The unemployment rate stood at about just 6.0% in January of this year.
  • The nominal GDP was $3.6 Trillion in 2011 making Germany the fourth largest economy in the world behind the U.S, China and Japan.
  • Last year Germany exported goods valued at over one Trillion Euros.
  • Germany is a net exporter.

Source: DeStatis

Germany continues its centuries-old  tradition of excellence in engineering and science. As a result today the country is home to some of the leading companies in the world such as BASF, BMW, Volkswagen, Bayer, etc.

Thousands of small and medium-sized companies called as the Mittelstand firms thrive in Germany. But at a global level large scale German multinationals dominate. For example, some of the top world-class companies are found in the Fortune Global 500 ranking.

The German firms in the Fortune Global 500 list for 2012 are shown below:

Country RankCompanyGlobal RankCityRevenues($ millions)
9Munich Re Group76Munich90,137
10Deutsche Telekom89Bonn81,554
11Deutsche Post98Bonn76,307
12Deutsche Bank104Frankfurt74,425
13Robert Bosch110Stuttgart71,600
16Landesbank Baden-Württemberg128Stuttgart67,431
17Deutsche Bahn179Berlin52,808
20Lufthansa Group248Cologne41,220
21Franz Haniel272Duisburg38,023
22Heraeus Holding293Hanau36,406
23DZ Bank334Frankfurt33,279
24Edeka Zentrale342Hamburg32,531
25Phoenix Pharmahandel363Mannheim30,023
27Energie Baden-Wirttemberg420Karlsruhe26,126
29Marquard & Bahls455Hamburg24,258
30Fresenius479Bad Homburg22,973
31KFW Bankengruppe491Frankfurt22,496

Source: Fortune

As most of the German companies do not trade on the organized US exchanges the simple and easy way to invest in them is via the iShares Germany ETF (EWG).  The fund has $3.5 billion in assets and financials account for less than 17% of the portfolio.

Disclosure: Long E.ON(EONGY), RWE (RWEOY) and Fresenius(FMS)

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U.S. Oil and Natural Gas Production Rising

Crude oil and natural gas production in the U.S. has strongly rebounded in the past few years according to an article by Thomas Helbling in the latest edition of IMF’s Finance & Development magazine. As a result, natural gas prices are at a 20-year low. But gasoline prices have not followed natural gas prices and have actually reached closer to the $4.00/gallon mark in recent weeks. Today however the average national price is at $3.659 per the website.

Click to enlarge


The IMF article notes that high crude oil prices and new technology have allowed produced producers to cheaply extract these resources from unconventional geological formations. The process of “fracking” in which fluids are injected under high pressure into rock formations such as shale rock to release trapped fuels has revolutionized oil and gas production at prices that are profitable to producers.

From the article:

Production of crude oil from unconventional sources increased about fivefold in the United States between 2008 and 2012, reaching close to 1 million barrels a day by the end of 2012. On average, shale oil—or light tight oil as it is often called—was about 16 percent of total U.S. production in 2012 and accounted for almost three-fourths of the 1.3 million barrel rise in overall daily oil production in the United States over this period.

So far, much of the increase in oil production has reflected field development in the Bakken Shale, which spans the western states of North Dakota and Montana—although in 2012, production in the Eagle Ford Shale in the state of Texas also started expanding rapidly. Eagle Ford area production is expected to continue to expand, and new field development and extraction should start in other known shale rock formations. Expanding development to other formations is necessary if production is to increase further.

At this point, the ultimate oil extraction potential from shale rock and tight sand formations in the United States is uncertain.

The author also notes that employment in the oil and gas extraction and mining sectors has almost doubled over the past decade. Last year some 570,000 workers were employed in these two sectors.  While employment levels in many other industries have declined in the past decade it is refreshing to hear that the energy and mining industries are creating jobs.

To be sure, the U.S. is still a net importer of oil. However U.S. EIA projects imports to shrink to from 8.3 million barrels per day to 6 million barrels per day at the start of 2014.

Back in January Bloomberg BusinessWeek published an article titled “Falling U.S. Oil Imports Will Reshape the World Crude Market“. From that piece:

If you had told an oil analyst seven years ago that by 2014 the U.S. would import only 6 million barrels of crude oil per day, or roughly a third of what the country uses, he would have been incredulous. Imports back then accounted for roughly two-thirds of U.S. oil consumption, according to the federal Energy Information Administration, and had been rising for 30 years. With all its major fields discovered and production dropping, America seemed destined to import more and more oil, especially from Canada, Mexico, Venezuela, Saudi Arabia, and West Africa.


Then came hydraulic fracturing—the technique of blasting water into shale to extract oil and gas—and the energy picture in the U.S. changed dramatically in a few short years. Now the International Energy Agency predicts that by 2020, U.S. oil production will exceed Saudi Arabia’s. This is altering decades of established trading patterns.

Related ETFs:

United States Natural Gas Fund (UNG)
United States Oil Fund (USO)

Disclosure: No Positions

A Look at Two Large Food and Consumer Staples Retailers

Walmart(WMT) and Costco(COST) are two of the large retailers that sell food and other consumer staples. In addition, they also sell consumer discretionary items. Both these companies offer membership-based wholesale bulk shopping stores for food and other items. Costcco operates these stores under the Costco brand while Walmart runs it under the Sam’s Club brand.

1.Costco Wholesale Corporation (COST)

Costco operates membership warehouses in the US, Puerto Rico, Canada, the United Kingdom, Mexico, Japan, Australia, and through majority owned subsidiaries in Taiwan and Korea. A typical store operates on a seven-day, 69-hour week schedule and is about 143,000 square feet in size. Each store carries thousands of products with many offered in bulk quantities. These stores are popular with consumers as they offer products at some of the cheapest prices anywhere.

Last year the company has about $103.0 billion in sales. In the most recent quarter Costco had revenues of $24.87 billion and made a profit of $547 million. At $101.75/shr the current dividend yield is 1.08%.

2.Walmart Stores Inc (WMT)

Walmart is the largest retailer in the world and is also the world’s largest employer. The company operates in all 50 states in the U.S., Puerto Rico and 26 other countries. Its Sam’s club unit accounted for about 12% of it net sales in 2012.

Walmart’s revenue in 2012 was about four times that of Costco’s at $469.0 billion. At the current price of $72.50 the dividend yield is 2.59%.

Here is a chart showing the long-term performance of the two companies and the S&P 500:

Click to enlarge



Source: Yahoo Finance

Note: Dividend yields noted are as of Mar 15, 2013

Disclosure: No Positions

A Comparison of U.S. Health Care To Other Developed Countries

America is the only nation in history which miraculously has gone directly from barbarism to decadence without the usual interval of civilization.

Georges Clemenceau, French journalist, physician and statesman

The U.S. health care system is actually a hodge-podge of many entities, some of which may have conflicting interests, meshed together to operate under the umbrella of a nicely sounding term called the “health care system”.  Unlike other developed countries health care is not a human right but a privilege in this country.On the other hand more important things like very cheap fast food, guns including semi-automatic guns, cheap credit, owning a home, drinking large sized-soda and thousands more to list here are considered as rights available to all citizens regardless .

The health care system is run as a business for profit. However unlike other industries the health care industry is very expensive, non-transparent and no such thing as competition exists. All the players in the food-chain of this system have a vested interested in maintaining the status-quo. Hence any real change is unlikely to occur unless the link between money and politics is broken and real free-market competition is allowed to exist. The goal of a patient and the goal of the system are in direct conflict with each other. The patient wants the best care possible for the lowest price while the system wants to make the profits possible. As a results atrocious gouging of patients at every step in the health care system occurs on a daily basis across the land all considered perfectly legal by the state. Hospital systems that operate as non-profits to evade taxes are allowed to charge as much as possible from even the poor or the uninsured. So it is not surprising to see that medical debt is the number one cause for bankruptcy filings in the country.

A 36-page expose of the US healthcare industry by Steven Brill was recently published by the Time magazine under the interesting title Bitter Pill: Why Medical Bills Are Killing Us (Subscription required for access to article). From the article:

1. Routine Care, Unforgettable Bills
When Sean Recchi, a 42-year-old from Lancaster, Ohio, was told last March that he had non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma, his wife Stephanie knew she had to get him to MD Anderson Cancer Center in Houston. Stephanie’s father had been treated there 10 years earlier, and she and her family credited the doctors and nurses at MD Anderson with extending his life by at least eight years.

Because Stephanie and her husband had recently started their own small technology business, they were unable to buy comprehensive health insurance. For $469 a month, or about 20% of their income, they had been able to get only a policy that covered just $2,000 per day of any hospital costs. “We don’t take that kind of discount insurance,” said the woman at MD Anderson when Stephanie called to make an appointment for Sean.

Stephanie was then told by a billing clerk that the estimated cost of Sean’s visit — just to be examined for six days so a treatment plan could be devised — would be $48,900, due in advance. Stephanie got her mother to write her a check. “You do anything you can in a situation like that,” she says. The Recchis flew to Houston, leaving Stephanie’s mother to care for their two teenage children.

About a week later, Stephanie had to ask her mother for $35,000 more so Sean could begin the treatment the doctors had decided was urgent. His condition had worsened rapidly since he had arrived in Houston. He was “sweating and shaking with chills and pains,” Stephanie recalls. “He had a large mass in his chest that was … growing. He was panicked.”

Nonetheless, Sean was held for about 90 minutes in a reception area, she says, because the hospital could not confirm that the check had cleared. Sean was allowed to see the doctor only after he advanced MD Anderson $7,500 from his credit card. The hospital says there was nothing unusual about how Sean was kept waiting. According to MD Anderson communications manager Julie Penne, “Asking for advance payment for services is a common, if unfortunate, situation that confronts hospitals all over the United States.”

From another article in Bloomberg:

By the time Astra Augustus left Virtua Memorial Hospital in New Jersey after the last of four surgeries, she’d run up about $255,000 in bills.

At first, Augustus said, she thought she was lucky. Virtua gave her a charity discount, to $30,530. Then she got statements from the doctors who treated her in the hospital, adding $18,000. “I didn’t know who to pay first,” Augustus said.

Virtua sued last month after she fell behind in her $400-a- month installment plan. While the nonprofit hospital had been generous, she said, the debt is still overwhelming for someone with a monthly income of $2,200.

Hospitals’ fast-rising sticker prices are adding to the financial burdens of the 49 million Americans without insurance, more than 20 million of whom won’t be covered under PresidentBarack Obama’s Affordable Care Act.

Now lets take a look at how the U.S. healthcare system compares with other developed countries. From OECD’s health data site:

1. Comparing US Health Expenditure to other OECD countries

Click to enlarge



2.A sample comparison of hospital inpatient price levels


3. US Obesity rates compared to other OECD countries:



Source: U.S. health care system from an international perspective,  OECD Health Data 2012


From Why an MRI costs $1,080 in America and $280 in France  in The Washington Post, Mar 15, 2013:

“In my view, health is a business in the United States in quite a different way than it is elsewhere,” says Tom Sackville, who served in Margaret Thatcher’s government and now directs the IFHP. “It’s very much something people make money out of. There isn’t too much embarrassment about that compared to Europe and elsewhere.”

The result is that, unlike in other countries, sellers of health-care services in America have considerable power to set prices, and so they set them quite high. Two of the five most profitable industries in the United States — the pharmaceuticals industry and the medical device industry — sell health care. With margins of almost 20 percent, they beat out even the financial sector for sheer profitability.

The Top 10 Safest Banks in North America 2013

The Global Finance magazine publishes their top bank rankings each year for various categories. The lists for this year were published last month. In this post lets take a quick look at the top banks in North America.

From the report in the magazine:

The banks were selected through a comparison of the long-term credit ratings and total assets of the largest banks. Ratings from Moody’s, Standard & Poor’s and Fitch were used.

The Top 10 Safest Banks in North America for 2013:

S.No.BankTickerDividend Yield as of Mar 15, 2013
1TD BankTD3.81%
2Royal Bank of CanadaRY4.10%
3Bank of Nova ScotiaBNS3.79%
4Caisse centrale DesjardinsN/AN/A
5Bank of MontrealBMO4.64%
7BNY MellonBK1.82%
9U.S. BancorpUSB2.28%
10Northern TrustNTRS2.18%


Source: The Top 10 Safest Banks in North America 2013, Global Finance

All the five major Canadian banks are considered to be the safest banks in North American by their independent analysis. In addition Quebec-based Desjardins Group’s Caisse centrale Desjardins also appears in this list.

Among the U.S. banks, none of the four super-banks made it to the list. BNY Mellon(BK), Northern Trust Corp(NTRS) and U.S. Bancorp(USB) are three good picks to ride the rebound in the banking sector. CoBank, ACB is an agricultural credit bank and is part of the US Farm Credit System. Based in outside of Denver, Colorado it serves farmers, ranchers and other rural customers. It operates as a cooperative bank and is not publicly-traded.

Note: Dividend yields noted are as of Mar 15, 2013

Disclosure: Long BMO, BNS, CM, RY, TD and USB