Why German Electric Utilities Are Stuck In Neutral

Two of the largest German electric utility stocks E.ON AG(EONGY) and RWE AG(RWEOY) were on a downtrend trend for a few years now and seemed to be stuck in neutral this year.The end of the Federal elections recently has also not yet brought changes to highly controversial German energy policies.

The main reason for the poor performance of traditional electric utilities is the subsidies offered to renewable energy companies. From an article in The Wall Street Journal:

In the late 1990s and early 2000s, Germany, France, Italy and some other EU countries began subsidizing solar and wind power in an effort to minimize the region’s reliance on imported fossil fuels and to reduce power prices.

“We’ve failed on all accounts: Europe is threatened by a blackout like in New York few years ago, prices are shooting up higher, and our carbon emissions keep increasing,” said GDF Suez CEO Gérard Mestrallet ahead of the news conference.

The European Commission, the bloc’s executive body, is scheduled to discuss the issue next week.

Under the subsidy mechanisms, wind and solar power producers benefit from priority access to the grid and enjoy guaranteed prices. In France, for instance, even as wholesale prices hover around €40 ($54) a megawatt hour, windmill electricity goes at a minimum of €83 a megawatt hour, regardless of demand. The difference is charged to customers.

The system certainly lured investors into wind and solar power projects. Germany now has 60 gigawatts of wind and solar capacity—about 25% of the country’s total power-generation capacity. But the guarantees mean households now pay double than before—29 euro cents a kilowatt-hour, up from about 14 cents a kilowatt-hour in 2000.

Source:  EU Chiefs Knock Solar Aid, The Wall Street Journal, Oct 12-13, 2013

In 2000, Germany implemented the German Renewable Energies Law (EEG). Under this law, the country aims to generate 80% of total energy from renewable energy sources by 2050. So in order to achieve this goal, high subsidies were given to renewable energy providers with higher prices paid by consumers.This made traditional electric utilities in uncompetitive. Earlier this year a reform proposal put forth by Environment Minister Peter Altmaier to cap subsidies for renewable energy producers failed to pass in the Bundesrat according to an article in the Deutsche Welle. From that article:

Under an ambitious new energy policy, Germany seeks to boost renewables to make up 80 percent of total power generated by 2050. Along the way, nuclear power is to be completely phased out by 2022, and fossil-fuel based energy production sharply reduced.

However, since the EEG law was implemented in 2000, German electricity retail prices have risen from then 14 eurocents per kilowatt-hour to almost 29 cents today, according to data released by the Association of Energy and Water Industries (BDEW).

Much of the increase is the result of a surcharge on electricity bills paid by private households and businesses to finance state subsidies for renewable energies. Wind, solar and biomass energy producers are guaranteed fixed so-called feed-in tariffs above market price for 20 years. These subsidies have led to an investment boom propelling the amount of renewable energy from 15 percent of German power generation in 2008 to 23 percent in 2012.

Accordingly, the surcharge on electricity rose steeply, too, increasing by 47 percent just within the last year. In a recent estimate, the government has calculated that the surcharge will likely rise from currently 5.3 eurocents per kilowatt-hour to 6.2 eurocents in 2014.

Source:  German energy transition caught in subsidies’ trap, Deutsche Welle

Clearly German policies for the past decade or so has tilted way too far on the side of renewable energy companies. As consumers become increasingly angry for footing the bill for this ambitious but badly-implemented policies,the pendulum may finally swing to the other side. Investors may want to monitor the developments with respect to the energy sector in Europe particularly any regulatory changes in Germany. Capping subsidies to renewable energy companies should provide a big boost to the share prices of E.ON and RWE AG.

Currently EONGY and RWEOY have dividend yields of 5.68% and 7.16 respectively. The chart below shows the long-term performance of these stocks:

Click to enlarge


Source: Yahoo Finance

Disclosure: Dividend yields noted are as of Oct 11, 2013. Data is known to be accurate from sources used.Please use your own due diligence before making any investment decisions.

Disclosure: Long EONGY and RWEOY


German call to ‘undo’ energy privatisation amid Berlin vote (BBC)

Germany’s Energy Poverty: How Electricity Became a Luxury Good (Der Spiegel)

Travails of renewable power in Germany (The Hindu)

Comparing Pension Systems Across Countries

Mercer Consulting recently published the Melbourne Mercer Global Pension Index report rating pension systems around the world. The U.S. pension system received a “C” grade based on this study. Denmark has the world’s best system followed by The Netherlands and Australia. It is interesting that the pension system of Chile is ranked highly with the systems in many other developed countries.

Click to enlarge


Source: Mercer

The study defines the U.S. pension system as follows:

The United States’ retirement income system comprises a social security system with a progressive benefit formula based on lifetime earnings, adjusted to a current dollar basis, together with a means tested top-up benefit; and voluntary private pensions, which may be occupational or personal.

Here is a chart showing source of income as a percentage of total income for seniors among OECD countries:


Source: Senir Citizens Around The World, Le Monde

For senior citizens in the U.S. the majority of the income comes from personal sources such as own’s savings (capital) and pensions offered by companies they worked for (work). Public transfers such as social security income is the lowest for U.S. seniors when compared to other countries. French senior citizens receive the highest income from public transfers.

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Palace of Versailles, France

Five Reasons To Consider Chilean Stocks

Among the Latin American equity markets, the Chilean market does not get as much attention from international investors as other countries such as Brazil and Mexico do.However this need not be the case. The relatively smaller country of Chile offers many excellent investment opportunities.

Some of the reasons to consider buying Chilean stocks include:

1. Chile’s IPSA index is down 13.7% year-to-date as of Oct 9th while Brazil’s Bovespa is off by 13.8%. Despite the Chilean economy being in a better shape than Brazilian economy, investors are treating both the markets to be similar. Hence it can be argued that Chilean stocks are comparatively cheaper.

2. The P/E ratios of Brazil, Chile and Mexico are 15.8, 18.3 and 19.7 according to FT markets data. So there is room for some P/E expansion.

3.Chile has a budget surplus based on 2012 data as per the CIA’s The World Factbook.  Generally surplus countries are better for investment than deficit countries.

4.A common misconception of global investors is that the economy of Chile is mainly based on commodities especially copper. This is true in the sense that the mining sector brings the largest revenue for the country and is also the largest export-revenue earner. However the sector accounts for only 16% of the total economy. In fact Chile has a very diverse economy as shown in the chart below:

Click to enlarge


Source: Doing Business in Chile 2012, KPMG

So simply evaluating Chilean equities based on the price movement of copper and other commodities is not wise.

5.Chile has a highly attractive business environment with its low corporate income of 18.5% in 2012. The country’s GDP is projected to grow by a modest 4.6% this year and the unemployment rate is below 6%.

Five Chilean stocks trading on the US exchanges are listed below for further research:

1.Company: Compania Cervecerias Unidas SA (CCU)
Current Dividend Yield: 1.73%

2.Company: Banco de Chile (BCH)
Current Dividend Yield: 3.73%

3.Company: Enersis SA (ENI)
Current Dividend Yield: 2.59%
Sector:Electric Utilities

4.Company: Vina Concha y Toro SA (VCO)
Current Dividend Yield: 1.65%

5.Company: Empresa Nacional de Electricidad SA (EOC)
Current Dividend Yield: 1.69%
Sector:Electric Utilities

Note: Dividend yields noted are as of Oct 9, 2013. Data is known to be accurate from sources used.Please use your own due diligence before making any investment decisions.

Another simple and easy way to gain exposure to Chile is via the iShares MSCI Chile Capped ETF (ECH). It has an expense ratio of 0.61% and an annual dividend yield of 1.38%.

Disclosure: Long BCH, ENI

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