Sources of Federal Tax Revenues in 2014

The chart below shows the various sources of taxes for the Federal government in 2014:

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Federal Tax Revenue Sources

Source: Where Taxes Came From In 2014, Peter G.Peterson Foundation

The majority of the Federal taxes come from individuals and not from corporations. Individuals paid 80% of the total Federal taxes collected. Individual income taxes are progressive in the US. As the income goes higher the tax rate goes higher. Payroll taxes on the other hand is fixed at a flat percentage of wages earned. Payroll taxes are used to fund Social Security and part of Medicare.

Compared to individuals, companies’ paid only 11% of total Federal tax revenues in corporate income taxes.

The Federal government collected about $3.0 Trillion in tax revenue last year according to the Congressional Budget Office.

US High Speed Rail System Dream Map

The U.S. lags the rest of the world in the high-speed rail transportation. When compared to other developed countries like Japan, France, Germany, etc. the U.S. has a third-rate high-speed rail system. In fact, the only high-speed train called the Acela Express has a maximum speed of only 150 mph (241 kph). Compared to this pathetic speed, Japan’s Maglev train is the fastest in the world and travels at a speed of 374 mph (603 kph ).Even communist China has a world-class hi-speed rail network. The following is beautiful photo of Chinese trains lined up:

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Source: Der Spiegel

China’s Shanghai Maglev has a maximum speed of 430 kph. France’s TGV trains can reach speeds of 300 kph to 320 kph easily.

The following is a dream map of US High Speed Rail System Dream Map created by artist Alfred Twu.

Click to enlarge


Source: California Rail Map

The above network covering about 20,000 miles would cost about $40 billion to build according to a 2013 estimate. However this is unlikely to be built for the foreseeable future……

The State of the Global Auto Industry in Charts 2015

Automakers in developed countries are going strong and those in emerging markets are struggling according to a research report published earlier this year by Euler Hermes, the world leader in trade credit insurance. The following are some of the graphs and points of interest from their report.

1)Change in Global Vehicle Production by Country

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Change in Global Vehicle Production 2007-2014

Vehicle production in China and India has soared during the period shown with China more than doubling the production.European countries lagged in production relative to emerging countries.

2) China

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China Car registration Change

China is the world’s largest auto market with growth tripling in size between  2008 and 2014 to reach 20 million units. However after a decline this year sales is projected 3% in 2016 also. China increased its production by 167 percent between 2007 and 2014.

3) USA

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USA Car registration Change

In the US, record sales of 17.5 million units is projected for this year. Low gas prices and a recovering economy is driving more consumers to buy SUVs. This is great for automakers since the profit margin on these vehicles is high.  The US has enjoyed six consecutive years of growth and has climbed back to its pre-crisis peak now.

4) Japan

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Japan Car registration Change

In Japan, between 5 and 6 millions units were sold between between 2008 and 2015. This is small compared to the US market

5) Europe

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Europe Car registration Change

Europe is the world’s third largest auto market. In 2016, sales of new vehicles is projected to reach 14 million units.

6) Brazil, India and Russia

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Brazil Car registration Change India Car registration Change Russia Car registration Change

New car registrations declined in Brazil and Russia but increased in India by 6%. however the market in India is tiny with sales of just 2 million units in 2015.

Source: Auto Market – a live wire by Euler Hermes via Allianz

Comparing Household Financial Assets of Asian Countries

The per capita financial assets held by households varies widely between countries in Asia. Most of the Asian countries are emerging or frontier economies while a few of them are developed economies. Hence it is not surprising to see that households’ financial wealth differs from one country to another.

Singapore boasts the highest per capita gross financial assets among Asian nations according to a report by Allianz. At the end of 2014, Singapore’s per capita financial assets stood at EUR 106,620. To put this number in perspective, it is more than 10 times as high as in China and more than 100 times as high as in India. After Singapore, Japan and Taiwan are the next richest countries in terms of per capita gross financial assets.

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Gross Households Financial Assets of Asian Countries

The above chart makes it clear that countries like India, Indonesia and even China have a long way to go before becoming a prosperous and wealthy country like Singapore.

Households also have liabilities just like a government or a corporation does. When liabilities are accounted and net assets calculated, Japan beat Singapore with the highest per capita financial assets.

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Net Households Financial Assets of Asian Countries


Based on net per capita financial assets, India and Indonesia are even worse off with figures under EUR 1,000 per household.

Source: Allianz Global Wealth Report 2015, Allianz