A Note on National Australia Bank Limited Stock Split

NABZY-Best-LogoNational Australia Bank Limited, one of Australia’s largest banks has announced a stock split on its ADR. From the announcement by the depository bank:

Deutsche Bank Trust Company Americas (“DBTCA”), as Depositary, will change the ratio on National Australia Bank Limited American Depositary Receipt (“ADR”) program. The ratio will change from 1 ADS representing 1 ordinary share to the new ratio of 2 ADSs representing 1 ordinary share, effective January 21, 2014.

As a result of the ratio change, ADS holders of National Australia Bank Limited will receive a 100% stock distribution (or 1 additional ADS for every ADS held) as of the ADR record date.

New Ratio: 2 ADS: 1 Ordinary Share
ADR Record Date: January 17, 2014
ADR Payable Date: January 21, 2014

Source:  Deutsche Bank Trust Company Americas

This is the second split in recent years. In April 2008, the ADR split in the ratio of 1:5.

The chart below shows the performance of NABZY since 2000:

Click to enlarge


Source: Yahoo Finance

In 5 years the ADR has returned 165% in price appreciation alone.

Currently the stock has a dividend yield of 5.80%.

Disclosure: No Positions

The Top Five Banks of Russia 2013

The Top Five Russian Banks in 2013 were:

  1. Sberbank 
  2. VTB Bank 
  3. Gazprombank 
  4. Russian Agricultural Bank
  5. Alfa Bank

Source: The Banker

Sberbank was ranked at 34th in the Top 1000 World Banks list for 2013 compiled by the magazine. It trades on the OTC market under the ticker SBRCY. 50% of the bank is owned by the Central Bank of Russia, More information can be found on their investor relations site here.

Related ETF

Market Vectors Russia ETF (RSX)

Disclosure: No Positions


The Global Risks Landscape 2014

The World Economic Forum publishes The Global Risks report every year when its annual meeting takes place in Davos, Switzerland.

The latest report lists the following as the Ten Global Risks of Highest Concern in 2014:

  1. Fiscal crises in key economies
  2. Structurally high unemployment/underemployment
  3. Water crises
  4. Severe income disparity
  5. Failure of climate change mitigation and adaptation
  6. Greater incidence of extreme weather events (e.g. floods, storms, fires)
  7. Global governance failure
  8. Food crises
  9. Failure of a major financial mechanism/institution
  10. Profound political and social instability

The chart below shows the global risks mapped to their likelihood of occurring and impact:

Click to enlarge


Source: Global Risks 2014 Ninth Edition, Insight Report, World Economic Forum

It is surprising that fiscal crises in key economies appears as the top risk of highest concern for this year even though we had multiple crises in the past few years including the global financial crisis and sovereign debt crises in Europe.

How Not to Invest In Dividend Stocks

Dividend stocks were mostly ignored by investors during the dot com era of the 1990s. Soaring stock prices of high-tech companies made dividend-payers of traditionally boring  industries such as utilities, consumer staples, industrials, etc.  unattractive to most investors. However since the recent global financial crisis, dividend stocks are back in vogue again as yield-hungry investors have rediscovered them.

While selecting and investing in dividend-paying stocks seem pretty straight-forward it is that easy. According to a research report by David Ruff, CFA, Portfolio Manager of Forward Management, LLC, investors make mistakes that may reduce their income and total return. He discussed the following seven mistakes investors commonly make:

Mistake #1: Chasing lofty yields

Very high dividend yield stocks may seem like the top choice for income investors. But high-yielders do not necessarily perform better over the long run. In fact, very high yields may not be sustainable and may lead to dividend cuts or even eliminations. Research studies have shown that companies that slowly and consistently increase their dividends outperform high-yielders with no dividend growth. So investors are better off going with such stocks instead of very high-yeiding stocks.

Mistake #2: Relying on Overly Mechanical Strategies

Some investors follow the passive dividend investing strategy which focuses too much on growth and dividend yield but may ignores fundamentals of a company or the sector. This stragey may not yield the best results. For example, in 2011 investors flocked to European telecom firms for their high dividend yields. But many firms’ dividend yields were unsustainable as payout ratios exceeded 100%. Eventually they reduced or eliminated dividend payments.

Mistake #3: Overlooking Growth Factors

Dividend paying stocks generally perform well over the long-term in terms of total returns. However dividend growers and initiators perform even better due to the effect of compounding and consistent dividend increases. So simply picking dividend stocks is not a wise strategy. One has to choose stocks which can grow their earnings and raise dividends over time.

Mistake #4: Succumbing to Home Market Bias

Generally US investors tend to prefer investing in domestic stocks. This is not a sound strategy especially for income investors since the S&P 500 has a dividend yield of around 2% but many overseas markets have much higher yields. So going abroad can yield higher returns. It is true that US multinationals like The Coca-Cola Company (KO), The Procter & Gamble Company (PG), Colgate-Palmolive Co. (CL), etc. offer foreign exposure. But they do not have the high dividend yields like their overseas peers. So it is imperative that investors allocate some portion of their portfolios to overseas stocks.

Mistake #5: Having Blue-Chip Tunnel Vision

Professional and retail investors alike love large-cap blue chips for their liquidity and stability. However these blue-chips may not offer the best value as they may be expensive since everyone wants to own them in their portfolios. So instead of going with the usual blue-chips, investors should select smaller firms that offer decent yields and are cheaper in valuation.

Mistake #6: Following the Herd

Investors should not follow others and pile into the widely held and popular dividend-paying stocks. Such stocks have high liquidity but should investors exit at the same time it can turn into a stampede leading to a huge price crash. Hence owning other lesser-known dividend stocks in addition to the popular ones can offer diversification benefits and potentially higher growth.

Mistake #7: Giving Macro Factors Too Much Weight

Investors should be mindful of market fundamentals but they should not put too much weight on macro factors and avoid companies in one region because of macro-economic issues. For example, during the European sovereign crises many investors avoided European stock altogether. This was a big mistake since there are hundreds of world-class European companies that operate globally and had better earnings potential despite the troubles in Europe. Investors who picked up European stocks during the height of the crises have earned solid returns since most European markets rebounded sharply last year.

Similarly some investors are now painting a broad brush on all emerging markets of the world as they have been laggards since last year. As with the European example, some emerging markets are better than others and there are plenty of emerging firms that offer potential investment opportunities now. These firms have strong fundamentals and are slowly emerging into multinationals similar to the developed world multinationals.

Source: How Not to Invest in Dividend Stocks:Seven Mistakes Investors Commonly Make,  Seven Mistakes Investors Commonly Make, By David Ruff, CFA, Portfolio Manager, Forward Management, LLC

Related ETFs:

  • iShares Dow Jones Select Dividend ETF (DVY)
  • SPDR S&P Dividend ETF (SDY)
  • Vanguard Dividend Appreciation ETF (VIG)
  • SPDR Utilities Select Sector SPDR Fund (XLU)

Disclosure: No Positions

Emerging Market vs Developed Market Stocks Performance

Most emerging markets performed poorly last year relative to developed markets. The question on many investors’ mind now is if emerging markets would continue the dismal performance this year also.

I found the following information on emerging markets in a research report by Barclays.

Click to enlarge

EM vs DM Stocks Performance

Source: Compass, December 2013/January 2014, Barclays

The period from 2002 to 2010 was the heyday for emerging markets due to the boom in commodity markets. The economies of resource-rich nations like Brazil, Canada, Chile, Australia, etc. boomed as the demand for all types of commodities such as copper, iron, coal, timber soared. China was one of the main factors behind this demand since the country was investing heavily in infrastructure development.

The Chinese economy has slowed and the country is rebalancing its economy. Similarly other emerging countries are also facing their own domestic challenges. Hence the fall in demand for commodities particularly from China should affect commodity exporters such as those in  Latin America.

The tightening of the US monetary policy in 1997 started a sharp and prolonged fall in emerging markets leading to the Asian financial crisis. However that scenario is unlikely to repeat now since the external debt positions and fiscal balances of emerging markets are much better now than in 1997.

Among the emerging market asset classes, Barclays prefers equities as they are bound to benefit from global growth. They are also attractive from a valuation perspective. Countries that export to the developed world such as Korea, Taiwan, Mexico and Poland are good candidates though Mexico and Poland are not cheap.

Related ETFs:

  • iShares MSCI Emerging Markets ETF (EEM
  • Vanguard Emerging Markets ETF (VWO)
  • SPDR S&P 500 ETF (SPY)
  • SPDR STOXX Europe 50 ETF (FEU)

Disclosure: No Positions