Five Reasons Why Holding Individual Stocks Are Better Than Index Funds

The world of equity investing has changed in the past few decades. The invention of mutual funds decades ago allowed many retail investors to participate in the market by pooling resources together and reducing risks. More recently the advent of ETFs have changed the investment landscape even more as investors have a wide range of funds to choose from focused on specific strategy, sector, region, etc.

Due to explosion in the number of available funds and cost factor, some investors may prefer to invest in equities primarily via index funds such as ETFs and not bother with individual stocks. SPDR S&P 500 ETF (SPY), SPDR Dow Jones Industrial Average ETF (DIA), Vanguard Emerging Markets Stock Index ETF (VWO) are few of the large ETFs that track a certain index such the S&P 500 by the SPY ETF. There are many advantages for going with just index funds as opposed to equities directly. Some of the pros of investing with funds include less risk, easy diversification, low costs, ability to trade all day, etc. While these are valid benefits that one cannot deny,  there are many advantages that only stocks can offer. In this post, let’s review some of the pros of investing in equities over funds.


When investing in individual company stocks, an investor receives the full amount of the dividends paid. There is no leakage of the dividends due to management fees and other fees. Due to the effect of compounding when full dividends are reinvested returns will be much higher especially over many years. When firms increase dividends, then adds another boost to returns as well. With index such benefits cannot be fully attained.

2. Special Dividends

Some companies offer special dividends to attract and keep loyal shareholders. Usually such dividends can be annual. Equity investors are able to enjoy such dividends. This may not be the case with index fund investors. For example, Glacier Bancorp, Inc (GBCI) pays a special dividend of $0.30 at the end of the year.

3. Spinoffs

By holding individual companies, investors will get additional shares in a new company or cash when a firm has a spinoff. This is an additional advantage of holding stocks as opposed to funds. Many of the large-cap companies are big enough to carve out some of their units into separate entities.  For instance, Reckitt Benckiser(RBGLY) spun off its pharma unit Indivior into a separate firm. As a result RBGLY shareholders ended up receiving some shares in Indivor(INVVY). Similarly US utility Duke Energy(DUK) spun off Spectra Energy(SE) a few years ago.


In a takeover situation, shareholders of target firms can reap huge gains when the acquirer pays a steep premium. Though it is not possible to predict which firms are takeover targets, takeovers at huge premiums can lead to a big windfall for holders. Recent takeover of LinkedIn(LNKD) by Microsoft (MSFT) is one example. While fund investors also benefit from takeovers the reward of individual shareholders can be much higher.

5.Stock Splits

Many firms split their stock after the price reaches a certain level to maintain liquidity in the marketplace. Though stock splits do not increase the value of one’s holdings, usually splits tend tend to benefit shareholders in the form of higher returns over the long-term. So an investor starting with just 100 shares in a company can accumulate hundreds of shares over many years if the stock splits again and again. Index funds can also split but the probably of them splitting is less than individual stocks.

Disclosure: Long RBGLY, INVVY, GBCI

Is it Time to Invest in Railroad Stocks ?

The Railroad industry in North America is an oligopoly with a handful of players dominating the market. From an investment perspective railroads are solid long-term investments with consistent growth and stable and growing dividends. As a cyclical sector, railroads tend to follow the overall state of the economy.

Railroad stocks were flat to down until a few months ago this year. Then they stabilized and recovered strongly when commodities such as crude oil bottomed out. Though they are up substantially year-to-date, they may go even higher according to a recent article in the Journal.

Click to enlarge

Railroads Infographic

Source: Has U.S. Rail Traffic Found Its Rebound?, WSJ, July 14, 2016

The major North American railroads are listed below with their year-to-date(YTD) price returns:

1.CSX Transportation (CSX)

YTD Return: 9.90%

2. Norfolk Southern Railway (NSC)

YTD Return: 8.16%

3.Kansas City Southern Railway (KSU)

YTD Return: 26.40%

4,Union Pacific Railroad (UNP)

YTD Return: 20.18%

5.Canadian National (CNI)

YTD Return: 11.47%

6.Canadian Pacific (CP)

YTD Return: 10.87%

Source: Yahoo Finance

Disclosure: Long CNI, CSX, NSC and UNP

Indian Stocks are in a Bull Market

India’s benchmark S & P BSE Sensex closed at 27836 yesterday and is up by 6.6% year-to-date. The index entered the bull market (rise of over 20%) this week. In the past five year the index has gained about 49%. In the last 10 years the index has more than doubled with a return of 137%.

Here is a chart of the five-year return of the BSE Sensex:

Click to enlarge

Sensex 5 years

Source: Yahoo Finance

Among the BRICs, Brazil and Russia have outperformed India and China with the benchmark indices up by over 27% and 28% respectively. The recovery in commodity prices especially has helped Russian stocks while political stability and oil price recovery has benefited Brazil. China is lagging other major emerging markets with the Shanghai Composite Index down 13% so far this year.

Also see:

The complete list of Indian ADRs can be found here.

ETFs: The Complete List of India ETFs and ETNs Trading on the US Markets

MSCI World Sectors: Dividend Yields and P/E Ratios

Which sectors pay the highest dividends and are the cheapest globally?

According to a report by Schroder’s based on the MSCI World Value Index, financials have the highest dividend yields as shown below and are the cheapest based on P/E ratio. However many financials especially those in developed Europe are shaky and are struggling. So it is important to be highly selective in this sector.

The table below shows the dividend yields and P/E ratio of various sectors:

Click to enlarge

MSCi World Sector Dividend Yields

Data Source: Schroders, Bloomberg as at 6 July 2016. MSCI World Value Index.

Source: Are there any safe haven investments left?, Schroders

Video: The Panama Canal Expansion

The Panama Canal Expansion opened on June 26, 2016. The giant project to upgrade the canal took nine years and $5.4 billion. After this expansion, the canal can now accommodate ships carrying up to 14,000 containers (“Triple E” ships).

Here is a short video of the expansion:

Source: The Panama Canal Expands, The Wall Street Journal