On The Dramatic Plunge of Mexican Airport Operator Stocks

Mexican airport operators have been one of the best performers until recently. On Oct 5th however they plunged dramatically when the Mexican government abruptly announced changes to the concession agreements which would reduce their revenues. The companies themselves have not released the specific details on how this change would impact them. Investors were not taking any chances and dumped the stocks leading to heavy losses. Grupo Aeroportuario del Centro Norte SAB de CV(OMAB) declined over 25% on the local market. Peers Grupo Aeroportuario del Pacifico SAB de CV (PAC) and Grupo Aeroportuario del Sureste SAB de CV (ASR) also fell heavily. The ADRs on these companies plunged even more than the local market. The YTD return chart shows the fall on Thursday:

Click to enlarge

Source: Google Finance

The 5-year price returns of the stocks are shown in the following chart:

Source: Google Finance

Though the stocks recovered slightly on Friday, it remains to be seen how they fare the rest of the year and beyond. Any way one looks at this development, it is bad news for the companies. Abrupt changes in state policies are one of the risks investors face in emerging markets. This is a classic example.

Referenced stocks:

1.Grupo Aeroportuario del Centro Norte SAB de CV(OMAB)

52-Week High: $100.21

52-Week Low: $50.23

Closing Price on 10/6/23: $65.14

2.Grupo Aeroportuario del Pacifico SAB de CV (PAC)

52-Week High: $ 200.85

52-Week Low: $ 108.15

Closing Price on 10/6/23: $ 132.21

3.Grupo Aeroportuario del Sureste SAB de CV (ASR)

52-Week High: $ 314.48

52-Week Low: $ 165.00

Closing Price on 10/6/23: $ 210.16


Disclosure: No positions

Iron Ore Deposits in Australia Map

Iron ore is one of the most important minerals in the world. Recently I learned that Australia ranks as the number one country for iron ore resources ahead of Brazil and Russia. According to one estimate, Australia has 29% of the world’s economic resource of iron followed and Brazil and Russia have 18% and 14% respectively. The top destination for Australian iron ore exports is China. So if the Chinese economy is in contraction mode Australian exports would be negatively impacted.

The following map shows where the iron ore deposits lie in the country. Most of the deposits are located in Western Australia:

Click to enlarge

Data source: Geoscience Australia, Australian Government

Source: Australian Mineral Resources, Market Index

Dr. Shane Oliver: Why Australian Immigration Should be Lower

The housing market in Australia is one of the most expensive in the world. High prices never seem to slow down or decline. Though the country is large much of the population is concentrated on a few coastal cities. One of the factors that was always suspected but hardly discussed in the media is the role of immigration. The question that should be answered is how much immigration affect housing shortages and prices. Canada is another resource-based economy that faces a similar problem as well. The majority of the population are crammed into a few big cities and most live closer to the US border. Despite being one of the largest countries in the world in terms of land, housing prices in cities like Toronto and Vancouver are a joke. In these cities a million dollars will get one an average house or in some extreme cases a small shack.

With that said, Dr.Shane Oliver at AMP capital argues that Australian immigration must be lowered significantly in order to reduce supply shortfalls and meet industry capacity. From the article:

Australia’s surging population

March quarter data showed that Australia’s population rose by 563,000 or 2.2% over 12 months, with 454,000 of that coming from immigration. Permanent and long-term arrival data up to July suggest that the surge in immigration is continuing and we are on track for net immigration of 500,000 or more in the last financial year.

Mr.Oliver further discussed the housing affordability or lack there off, housing supply and of course the role of immigration. He concludes by stating the number of immigrants allowed in must be cut by about 50%. A brief excerpt from the piece:

Immigration levels need to be lower

There are a lot of things that need to be done to improve housing affordability: making it easier to build more homes but in a way that does not lead to ever worsening urban congestion and compromise the very things that make Australia great (yes like many Australians I admit to being a NIMBY); encouraging greater decentralisation to regional Australia to take pressure off cities; and tax reform in terms of replacing stamp duty with land tax and reducing the capital gains tax discount. But it’s impossible to escape the conclusion that immigration levels need to be calibrated to the ability of the home building industry to supply housing. This is critical. Current immigration levels are running well in excess of the ability of the housing industry to supply enough homes exacerbating an acute housing shortage and poor housing affordability.

Our rough estimate is that if home building supply capacity is 200,000 dwellings a year (as we managed in the five years to 2022) then immigration levels need to be cut back to 260,000 from around 500,000 now. But if capacity is just 180,000 dwellings pa or we want to reduce the accumulated supply shortfall by say 20,000 dwellings a year then immigration should be cut back to near 200,000 people a year.

Source: Oliver’s insights – immigration and housing affordability, Dr.Shane Oliver, AMP Capital

The residential real estate market in the US is another bubble as well. I haven’t seen any article from economists on the impact of immigration- both legal and illegal – on the housing market.

Fed Funds Rate vs. Money Market Assets: Chart

The Federal Funds Rate has increased sharply since the spring of 2022. After slashing interest rates to almost zero during the Covid pandemic the Federal Reserve embarked on a relentless process to raise interest rates to current target levels of 5.25% to 5.50%. Accordingly rates on Money Market Funds have rise to over 5%. No wonder assets in these funds have soared since last year and are headed towards the $7.0 Trillion mark. The following chart shows the correlation between fed funds rate and money market assets:

Click to enlarge

Source: Is Cash Really King? Why Bonds Should Reign, Thornburg

Related funds:

  • Vanguard Federal Money Market Fund (VMFXX)
  • Vanguard Treasury Money Market Fund (VUSXX)
  • Schwab Value Advantage Money Fund – Investor Shares (SWVXX)
  • Schwab Treasury Obligations Money Fund – Investor Shares (SNOXX)
  • Fidelity Money Market Fund (SPRXX)
  • Fidelity Government Money Market Fund (SPAXX)

Disclosure: Long SWXXX