Most Brazilian ADRs Are Trading Under $10 a Share

“Brazil, Land of the Future and always will be!” – Charles de Gaulle

Brazil used to be one of the best emerging markets a few years ago. As one of the BRIC countries Brazil had everything going it relative to others. But then politics and other factors turned Brazil one of the basket cases – at least from the standpoint of international investors. Brazil seems be one of those countries that is always emerging and never able to get to the next level. Maybe Brazil is destined to suffer from the natural resource curse just like some nations are cursed by  the abundance of oil.

Last year Brazil was one of the worst emerging markets. The Bovespa index had a negative return of about 12% on price only basis. The MSCI total return for Brazil was down by 17% for 2021 and 19% loss in 2020. So two years in a row Brazil let down investors.

With that said as I looking into Brazilian ADRs, one thing stood out. Among the 23 or so stocks trading on the US exchanges, just 6 are trading above $10 a piece. Rest of going for under $10 with many selling for under $5. This is indeed shocking. For instance two of the largest private sector banks – Banco Bradesco(BBD) and Itau Unibanco (ITUB) – closed at $3.57 and $3.98 per share last Friday. The following table shows the closing prices of exchange-listed Brazilian ADRs:

Source: BNY Mellon

Disclosure: Long BBD, ITUB and PBR

Fact of the Day: Many Nasdaq Stocks Are In Bear Markets

The S&P and the Dow are down 1.9% and 0.3% year-to-date in the first week of 2022. The NASDAQ Composite index is off by 4.5%. These stats do not tell the full extent of selling underway in the tech heavy NASDAQ.

According to Sundial Capital Research quoted in a journal article over the weekend:

  • About 40% of the stocks in the Nasdaq Composite are down 50% from their 52-week highs.
  • Almost two-thirds are in bear markets or down 20%.

Source: U.S. Stocks Close Lower After Jobs Report, WSJ

Software stocks are taking it on chin after a great run in recent years. Below chart shows a sample of five stocks’ return in the past year:

Click to enlarge

Source: Yahoo Finance

Referenced Stocks:

  • Adobe Inc.(ADBE)
  • Atlassian Corporation Plc (TEAM)
  • DocuSign Inc. (DOCU)
  • Autodesk Inc.(ADSK)

Disclosure: No positions

Dow Jones Industrial Average Annual Total Returns 1896 To 2021: Chart

The Annual Total Returns of Dow Jones Industrial Average from 1896 to 2021 is shown in the chart below. It proves the known fact that stocks tend to go up in the long-term. During the period shown, the Dow was up nearly three-fourth percentage of the time and only down one-fourth of the time. Here are a few fascinating points from the detailed article by Drew Dickson at Albert Capital:

  • Since 1980, the US market has been up for the year 83% of the time.
  • From 2003 to 2021, the market has been up all years except just two.
  • Since 2009, the market has been down only one year.

Click to enlarge

Source: Albert Capital via Novel Investor

He also makes other interesting observations such as comparing US equities to European equities in the above linked piece.

It remains to be seen if the current bull market will continue this year with the market a multitude of headwinds the most important of which is rising rates.

Related ETFs:

  • SPDR Dow Jones Industrial Average ETF (DIA)
  • SPDR S&P 500 ETF (SPY)

Disclosure: No positions