Three Concentration Risks In The British Stock Market

Concentration risk is one of the risks that investors in the British equity market must be aware of.  Though the UK is one of the largest economies in Europe and in the developed world, its equity market is highly concentrated with select sectors and companies dominating the market. So British investors are wise to diversify …

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15 Dividend Heros of the FTSE 100 Index

The UK equity market is a fertile ground for investors looking to unearth dividend-paying stocks. Traditionally UK has had high dividend yields compared to other developed markets especially the US. An article published last month at The Money Observer discussed the Dividend Heros of the benchmark FTSE-100 index. Research by the stock broker AJ Bell …

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The UK Stock Market Has Performed Well Under Conservatives Than Labour

The UK general election is scheduled to take place tomorrow (8 June 2017). After the surprising Brexit vote last year this will be the major political event in the country. British stocks have performed well in the past under conservative leadership than labour according to an article I came across recently. The following chart shows the …

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These 10 Companies Pay Half of all UK Dividends

The British equity market is an excellent hunting ground for yield-seeking investors. British firms have a strong dividend culture and have high dividend yields on their equities. For American investors, an added advantage is that there is no withholding taxes on dividends (excluding REITs). Despite the pros, the British stock market has a structural issue …

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FTSE 100 Exposure by Geographic Revenue vs. Domicile

The British equity market has recovered strongly since the Brexit decision early last year. One of the main reason for the resilence of British stocks is that most of the revenues of the FTSE 100 firms come from abroad. As a result, the FTSE 100 firms are dependent on the economies of foreign countries than …

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