The World’s Top Ten Copper Producers

Copper is one of the most important metals of the modern world. It is used in many industries from electrical to industrial to chemicals. Chile is the largest copper producer in the world. Chile’s economy is highly dependent on the demand for copper in the global market. The Top 10 Copper Producing Companies are shown …

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The Top 25 Companies By Revenue In Latin America

Latin America is home to some of the world’s largest companies. As emerging markets such as Brazil, Chile, Mexico, etc. continue to account for a larger share of the world’s GDP, companies from these regions grow to take the top spots in global rankings. The Top 25 Companies in the Latin American region based on …

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The Top 10 Foreign Stocks Trading On The OTC Markets

Many foreign companies trade on the OTC markets in the U.S. instead of the organized exchanges like NYSE or NASDAQ. Some of these firms fled the organized exchanges to the OTC market in the recent past to avoid higher reporting requirements due to the Sarbane-Oxley Act, higher listing fees, low trading volumes and other reasons. …

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The Top Potash Producing Countries

Potash is one of the type of fertilizers used to grow various types of crops, fruits and vegetables. According to an article in IMF’s Finance & Development magazine the demand for this natural resource may increase with rising population and less arable land. From the article: Potash is the common name for naturally occurring water-soluble potassium …

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The Top 25 Cash-Rich S&P 500 Non-Financial Companies

Large U.S. companies hold billions of dollars in cash and cash-equivalents on their balance sheets. The largest of these 83 companies hold over $1.46 Trillion off-shore beyond the reach of the U.S. government according to a report by Bloomberg in March this year. Companies are hoarding such huge piles of cash overseas since they do …

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