The Strongest and Weakest European Banks based on the Core Tier 1 Ratio

The global financial crisis and the ongoing European fiscal crisis have exposed the differences in strength of major banks in Europe. As the banking landscape has significantly changed in recent years, investors are trying to separate the wheat from the chaff. Accordingly strong and well-run banks will be preferred by investors while the weaker banks …

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The World’s Best Banks 2012 by Country

The latest edition of Global Finance magazine has published The World’s Best Banks for 2012.From the cover story: Some of the most successful global banks have cut back in Europe to focus on faster-growing emerging markets. Global Finance has identified the best banks in 136 countries and eight regions, as well as the best banks globally in …

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Bank Director: America’s Top Banks for 2012 with Assests from $5 Billion to $50 Billion

The Bank Director magazine published their annual Bank Performance Scorecard for 2012 in July. The following are the top 10 banks with assets from $5 Billion to $50 Billion: [TABLE=1124] Source: Going For Gold: 2012 Bank Performance Scorecard, Bank Director To download the full list of 75 banks in the ranking click here. The mean Non-Performing Assets (NPAs)/Loans & Other …

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Bank Director: America’s Top Banks for 2012 with Assets from $1 Billion to $5 Billion

The Bank Director magazine published their annual Bank Performance Scorecard for 2012 in July. The following are the top 10 banks with assets from $1 Billion to $5 Billion: [TABLE=1123] Source: Going For Gold: 2012 Bank Performance Scorecard, Bank Director To download the full list of 195 banks in the ranking click here. The mean Non-Performing …

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