Why Invest in Stocks of Auto Parts Suppliers

One of the sectors that investor can consider investing in is the auto parts sector. Parts suppliers supply all the parts needed in building an automobile. In addition, many also supply the multitude of bells and whistles that go into a car. For example, the latest car models have wifi connectivity for internet access and …

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Thoughts on Jack Bogle’s Views on Foreign Stocks

Mr.Jack Bogle, founder of The Vanguard Group is not a fan of foreign stocks. He basically states that Americans need not own foreign stocks since one gain exposure to overseas markets by simply staying with US firms. Jack gave an interview Bloomberg in 2014 and I wrote an article about that. I admire Mr.Jack for helping millions …

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Are European Bank Stocks A Good Buy Now?

European bank stocks have turned positive for the year. Since the Global Financial Crisis(GFC) of 2008-09, the Greek sovereign debt crisis and the many other crises the continent’s banks were left for dead by many investors. Unlike US banks which have recovered strongly since the crisis, European banks have been slow to implement changes necessary. However …

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How Did U.S. Small-Caps Perform Over Large-Caps In The Long-Term?

U.S. small cap stocks have had a great run since the election ended. Investors have bid up prices of these stocks on the hope that many policy changes such as lower taxes will benefit them more than large companies.As a result, large cap stocks have lagged small caps so far this year. For example, while …

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Are U.S. Stocks Better For Growth Than European Stocks?

European stocks look cheaper than U.S. stocks now based on P/E ratio and other factors. However U.S. stocks are better for better for growth than European stocks under Trump Presidency, according to Peter Fitzgerald of Aviva Investors quoted in a recent Citywire UK article. He also noted the one important reason on why investors’ perception that …

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