Average Stock Holding Period in Asian Emerging Markets

The average stock holding period for developed markets has been on the decline for many years now. For example, by one estimate the average holding for stocks listed on the NYSE is just 7 months or less than 2 years by another estimate. In emerging markets(EM) also, the average holding periods are very low. EM investors …

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Comparing World Equity Market Sizes 1899 vs. 2016

The US equity market leads the world in terms of market capitalization. At the end of 2016, listed US firms accounted for more than half of the global stock market value as shown in the graphic below. At the end of 1899 the US accounted for only 15% of global stock market value. Click to …

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Stocks of US Auto-Parts Retailers Have Crashed This Year

The US auto-parts industry is experiencing severe slowdown in recent months. Major retailers such as Autozone, Inc(AZO), O’Reilly Automotive(ORLY) and Advance Auto Parts(AAP) have seen seen their stocks decimated. These companies announced poor quarterly earnings and mentioned a variety of factors for their dismal performance. Some of these include high sales of new vehicles, warmer weather, oil prices, etc. …

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Four Classic Bubbles of the Past: Chart

Defining a bubble in equity markets is tricky. However according to Jeffrey Kleintop at Schwab a bubble is defined as a rise of 1,000% or 10 times over 10 years. The chart below shows four bubbles from the past. While today some tech stocks are all the rage and the NASDAQ has reached record levels, one of …

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A Look Back at the Global Financial Crisis of 2007-09

The Global Financial Crisis(GFC) of 2007-09 was one of the worst financial crises in modern history. During this man-made crisis that started in the US, untold misery was inflicted on investors, homeowners, retirees and everyone else globally. However from an investment point of view, the crisis was one of the great time to pick up …

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