S&P500 Returns vs. S&P 500 With Dividends Reinvested Returns: Chart

The returns of the S&P 500 Index often published by the media and others is the price return. However for investors the correct return that matters for the index is the returns including dividends reinvested. This is because S&P 500 firms pay dividends and most long-term investors reinvest them. Currently the dividend yield on the …

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Aerospace and Defense Stocks Have Outperformed The S&P 500 Based On Total Returns

The Aerospace and Defense sector is one of the hottest sectors in the US equity market. Stocks in this sector have rewarded investors with stable and consistent growth in the past few years. A basket of stocks in the S&P index for this sector has outperformed the S&P in terms of total returns (capital returns+dividend returns) …

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US Treasury Yields vs. S&P 500 Dividend Yield From 2013 To May 2018: Chart

Dividend stocks have declined lately due to rising yields on US treasuries. As income investors can earn higher yields from treasuries income focused equity sectors like utilities, REITs and consumer staples have been less attractive. However a recent note at LeggMason says that investors can hold both treasuries and stocks to take advantage of both …

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Should You Switch From US Stocks To Foreign Stocks Now?

The US equity market has performed well in the past few years easily beating foreign developed markets especially developed Europe. Some investors may wonder if this is the right time to move out of domestic stocks and buy international stocks. For example, major European markets are flat or in the red so far this year. …

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