Asset Class Annual Total Returns From 2007 To 2021: Chart

Diversification among asset classes is one of the key factors that investors ought to follow for success with investing in stocks. It is never a wise idea to put all money into one type of asset – whether it is growth stocks or value stocks or real estate or bonds. Assets of different types perform …

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US vs. Foreign Equity Markets: Concentration of Top 5 Stocks 1990 to 2020

The universe of foreign stocks available for investment is huge relative to the US market. Thousands of firms trade on a range of markets from other developed countries to emerging and frontier markets. Foreign equity markets are also less concentrated than the US markets and hence offer excellent opportunities for stock pickers. In addition, going …

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WSJ: Defense Stocks Are At Their Cheapest Valuations Now

One of the sectors that offers steady income and growth is the defense sector. Unlike other sectors such as utilities or industrials, defense industry is unique in that much of the future business depends on the federal budget. So this creates a cloud of uncertainty over defense stocks. However the good news is usually requested …

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