Performance Review: Verizon Communications vs. Philippine Long Distance Telephone

Here is a performance review of US-based Verizon Communications(VZ) and Philippines-based Philippine Long Distance Telephone Company (PHI): 5-year return of Verizon Communications and Philippine Long Distance Telephone Company: Click to enlarge     10-year return of Verizon Communications and Philippine Long Distance Telephone Company: In 5 years the difference in returns was not big.However in 10 years, PHI had an …

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Performance Review: AT&T vs. Telenor

In this post let us take a look at how returns vary when an investor invests in a domestic telecom provider relative to investing in a foreign company. The Dow Jones Industrial Average component AT&T (T) is one of the large telecommunication companies. Currently the company has a market capitalization of about $205.5 B and the dividend …

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Download: Barclays Equity Gilt Study 2012

The Barclays Equity Gilt Study 2012 was published earlier this year. Below are few of the interesting charts from the report: Click to enlarge 1.Historical equity returns and excess returns of select countries: 2.US Corporate Profits since 1950: 3.US Real Investment Returns by Decade: Download: To download the full report in pdf format click Barclays Gilt Study 2012 …

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Equity Market Performance Comparison: Brazil vs. Mexico

Brazil has been the hot emerging market destination until recently. The country’s economy and stocks performed extremely well due to the commodity market boom before the global financial crisis. However global investors’ attraction towards Brazil has waned recently despite many positive factors favorable to the economy including the hosting of Olympic Games in 2016 and …

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