Gold’s Yearly Returns vs. Major US and UK Asset Classes: Chart

I came across the following chart that shows the annual performance of gold against the major assets classes of US and UK from 1978 to 2017. Similar to equities gold has performed well in some years and not so well in others. Gold tend to soar during periods of extreme bear markets for risky assets …

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The Top 10 Gold Producing Countries 2017

The Top 10 Gold Producing Countries based on 2017 data is shown in the chart below. Surprisingly  China was the top producer last year beating Australia and South Africa. Many investors myself included may not know that China mines gold let alone being the largest gold producer in the world. Click to enlarge Source: Top 10 …

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Why Gold Is Better Than Gold Mining Stocks

Gold is always a better investment than gold mining companies. This is because unlike physical gold gold miners involve more risk. For example, miners are exploration firms who do no know if and how much gold can be extracted from the ground. Even if gold is mined efficiently prices of the precious metal can be …

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Gold vs. S&P 500 Since 1999: Chart

Gold has outperformed the S&P 500 Index and S&P 500 Total Return Index since 1999 by a substantial margin. According to a post by By Frank Holmes of U.S. Global Investors, stocks have lagged gold even when considering returns with dividends reinvested. Click to enlarge Source: Could the Stars Be Aligned for $1,500 Gold?, U.S. Global Investors Related Posts: …

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Performance of Gold vs. Other Asset Classes: Chart

Gold is an important asset to own. During times of capital market contractions gold can act as a cushion and help protect a portfolio from severe declines. The following chart shows the performance of gold over other asset classes in different time periods: Click to enlarge Source: The Many Uses of Gold, US Funds Related ETF: …

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