Should You Invest in Gold Stocks or Gold?

One of the questions perennial confronting investors looking to invest in gold is whether to invest in physical gold or gold miners who actually produce the gold. Generally investing is physical gold is better idea than buying gold stocks. Since buying and holding physical gold nowadays involves many problems such as the possibility of theft …

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Two Reasons Why Investors Are Attracted To Gold

Gold futures closed at $1,406.50 an ounce in New York yesterday. Recently gold prices plunged by over $200 in just two days before recovering slightly. Over the past 10 years, gold soared from about $330.00 an ounce to a record high of $1900.00 in 2011. Click to enlarge Source: Kitco From 2002 thru early March …

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On The Gold and Silver Price Super-Cycles

Commodity prices including those of precious metals tend to go through super-cycles. Booms and busts occur as a result of these cycles. These cycles last for many years. In the latest super-cycle gold prices have climbed consistently in the last decade up until 2011 when prices reached a peak of just over $1,900.00. Since then …

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The Impact of Fed’s QE Programs on Gold

The Federal Reserve announced the launch of the third Quantitative Easing (QE) program (or the QE3 program) in September this year. This program involves the Fed buying bonds of agency mortgage backed-securities from the market for $40.0 billion per month. Earlier programs were called as QE1 and QE2. The current QE3 program differs from earlier …

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Impact of Fiat Money on Gold Prices

Gold prices closed at $1,775.80 yesterday in New York. As a safe haven asset class investors have sought shelter in gold during turbulence in equity markets for years and more recently gold prices shot up after the financial crisis. Over the long-term gold has rewarded investors extremely well. With the introduction of fiat money gold …

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