The World’s 10 Largest Non-German Auto Industry Suppliers Offer Excellent Investment Opportunities

The auto industry is one of the best industries to invest in in emerging markets or developed markets as autos have become the preferred mode of transportation for everyone. However the industry is a low margin business and many automakers are not highly profitable.Then how does one profit from this industry? One way to profit …

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The Largest 50 German Companies by Sales

Germany celebrated the 20th anniversary of unification on Oct 3, 2010. Bloomberg BusinessWeek commemorated the event with a special report titled “The Best Merger Ever“. Indeed the unification of the former East Germany with West Germany helped make the country one of the top economies in the world. Today Germany is the most important country …

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Five Large Cap German Stocks To Consider

Among the European economies Germany has recovered strongly since the credit crisis ended. Much of the credit for this success can be attributed to the excellent policies implemented by the German government despite facing many pressures such as the bailout of Greece. The labor market continues to show improvement with the unemployment rate falling to …

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Falling Euro Set To Benefit German Exporters

The US dollar has strengthened against the Euro in the past few months. The Euro trades at 1.19 to the dollar today. In 2008, the exchange rate reached nearly 1.60. One theory suggested by some fund managers to support the case for investing in Europe is that the falling Euro should help euro-zone exporters as …

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Ten Reasons to Invest in Germany

Germany is the economic locomotive of Europe. The country has a population of about 82 million people and a world-class  infrastructure. Germany is centrally located offering convenient access to over 500 million of the EU consumers. Germany has been in the news recently often due to the debt crisis in Greece.Today Germany has agreed to …

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