How to Invest in Oil Equipment & Service Companies via ETFs

One of the ways to invest in and profit from the oil industry is to invest in companies that supply the equipment and services to the major producers. I wrote an article on this strategy before. In this post let me discuss the simplest and easiest way to gain exposure to this sector via ETFs. Investing with …

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Why Invest in Mid-Cap Stocks via ETFs

Thousands of mid-cap companies trade on the US markets. These companies generally tend to have small market caps of $1 billion to $5 billion. Though the actual definition of mid-cap companies varies,  they can be considered as firms that are neither huge such as the giants with multi-billion market caps or very small with a …

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A Review of the US ETF Industry

The growth of the ETF industry in the U.S. in recent years has been phenomenal. ETF providers have sliced and diced equities, fixed income instruments and other assets into every way possible. Yet still new ETFs continue to launched on a regular basis. As of October this year, a total of 1,240 Exchange-Traded Funds (ETFs) were …

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