25 European Companies with High Emerging Market Exposure

Some investors are completely avoiding European stocks due to the current Irish debt crisis. However they be missing on some excellent investment opportunities. There are many European  multinationals with strong presence in foreign countries especially in the fast-growing emerging markets(EM). In fact, European multinationals derive more than 10% of their revenue from EM compared to …

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A Review of the Global Tobacco Industry

“I’ll tell you why I like the cigarette business. It cost a penny to make. Sell it for a dollar. It’s addictive. And there’s a fantastic brand loyalty.” – Warren Buffet Page Updated: 4/7/19 The tobacco industry sells about six trillion cigarettes each year. The industry is highly concentrated with a handful of firms controlling …

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12 Emerging Markets Dividend Stocks For Income

Investors have been attracted to emerging market equities for many years now due to their capital appreciation potential.Until recently not many emerging market stocks have been known for their dividends.However that paradigm is changing. Companies in developing countries are increasingly paying out a higher portion of their profits to investors in the form of dividends. …

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Emerging Markets: Correlation Between Economic Growth and Stock Market Returns

The MSCI Emerging Market(EM) Index has posted an annualized return of 10.2% over the past 10 years thru the end of 2009. Due to this solid performance and other factors investors are increasingly attracted to EM equities. However many studies have proven that economic growth does not automatically translate into higher stock market returns. In …

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