Should Investors Avoid Bank Stocks in BRIC Countries ?

The MSCI Emerging Markets Index allocates about 25% to the banking sector because this sector forms an significant part of these growing economies. However some investors including professional fund managers tend to avoid banks in the emerging countries for many reasons including their high exposure to the real estate industry, worries about adverse impacts to …

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Top Resource-Rich Countries With Exposure To Emerging Markets

The commodity markets saw a boom in the past few years due to soaring demand for various commodities in the emerging countries. Demand for natural resources such as coal, iron, oil and gas have been especially high from China, India, etc. Many people have the misconception that only emerging and frontier markets are rich in …

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Latin America’s Trade With China Grows

China is becoming a major trade partner with many Latin American countries. China’s main interest in the region include natural resources such as oil, iron ore and agricultural commodities such as soyabeans. Latin American countries’  trade with China increased tenfold in the period 2000-2007. However the U.S. is still the largest trade partner with Latin …

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15 Blue Chips from the Enlarged EU States

The STOXX EU Enlarged 15 Index represents the largest companies in the 10 European member states which joined the European Union after 2004: Cyprus, Czech Republic, Estonia, Hungary, Latvia, Lithuania, Malta, Poland, Slovakia, Slovenia, Bulgaria and Romania. 1.Company: Bank of Cyprus (BACPY) Current Dividend Yield: 5.27% Sector: Banking Country: Cyprus 2.Company: CEZ (CZAVF) Sector: Utilities …

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