Why Investing In Emerging Markets Via An Index Is Not The Best Way

Many investors prefer to gain exposure to emerging markets by investing in a fund such as an ETF that replicates an index. However the idea of index investing in emerging markets is not the best way to invest in these markets for a number of reasons. In a recent article last month, Laurent Saltiel of Alliance Bernstein highlighted …

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MSCI Emerging Markets Index: 5-Year and Long-Term Returns

Emerging equity markets have soared so far this year easily outperforming developed markets. With the exception of China, countries such as Brazil, Russia, etc. are up by double digit percentages. Russia’s RTS is up by 26% and Brazil’s Bovespa has shot up by 35% year-to-date. For investors tracking emerging markets, the main benchmark index is the MSCI …

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Emerging Markets Are Back. Here Are Ten Stocks To Consider

Emerging markets are hot this year as global investors are attracted to their for their higher growth potential and yields in some cases. With growth stagnating in the developed world especially in Europe it is not surprise that investors are turning their attention back to emerging markets. In the past few years emerging market stocks …

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BRICS: Growth Rate and Economic and Fiscal Fundamentals

The first decade of the 21st century saw the golden period of the BRIC countries. Brazil, Russia, India and China enjoyed tremendous economic growth and accordingly their equity markets soared. With all the hyper regarding these countries it seemed that the future simply belonged to BRICs. The term “BRICs” was coined by Jim O’Neil of …

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