Average Robot Density in Manufacturing Industry by Country

Robots are increasingly replacing human workers in many industries. The manufacturing industry including the auto industry is one of the few industries that has embraced the use of robotics in operations. Despite the cost benefits some countries have higher penetration rate for robots than others. According to one research report published in 2014, countries like …

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U.S. Interstate Highway System Map

President Dwight D. Eisenhower signed the National Interstate and Defense Highways Act on June 29, 1956. The act enabled the creation of the largest highway network connecting all the states of the country. The building of this massive network of roads was the largest public works project in history. The original plan for the system is shown in the …

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Products Comparison: Google, Amazon, Facebook and Apple

The following chart shows the various products offered by Google’s parent Alphabet(GOOG), Amazon(AMZN), Facebook(FB) and Apple(AAPL).Competition is fierce among these major tech companies. For example, in the payments field Google owns Android Pay while Apple has its own Apple Pay. Similarly in the hardware space, Amazon’s Alexa is the latest craze sweeping the country. Since getting …

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On Globalization and the Economic Output of G-20 Countries

Globalization has been a boon to global economic growth in the past few decades. Millions of people in the developing world have been lifted out of poverty and entered the middle class. However globalization is a zero-sum game with clear winners and losers. In the developed world workers who lost their jobs due to globalization …

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