Dividend Tax Rates in Europe 2019: Chart

Tax rates on dividends vary widely across European countries. The following chart shows the dividend tax rates across countries: Click to enlarge Source: Dividend Tax Rates in Europe, Tax Foundation Note: The dividend tax rates shown above are expressed as the top marginal personal dividend tax rate, taking account of all imputations, credits, or offsets. Ireland …

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Public Social Spending as a Percentage of GDP by Country: Chart

The socialist countries of Europe tend to spend a higher portion of their GDP on public social spending. France has the highest public social spending as percentage of GDP at 31.5%. The next high spenders are Finland, Belgium, Italy and Denmark. The US public social spending is lower than the OECD average. The US is …

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Motor Vehicle Production in the EU by Country 2018 : Chart

In 2018, 19.2 million motor vehicles were manufactured in the European Union. Germany is the top manufacturer followed by Spain and France. At about 5.1 million passenger vehicles, Germany made more than double that of Spain. Click to enlarge Source: European Automobile Manufacturers Association (ACEA) Compared to European production, the US produced 10.98 autos in …

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The New American Normal: Long Live Monopolies !

The US used to be a free market economy where competition thrived and the law of supply and demand determine prices of goods and services. Unfortunately that is no longer the case. For the past few decades competition has become a dirty word in most industries and monpolies have formed to dominate entire industries. As …

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Homicide Rates in Europe by Country: Infographic

Russia has the highest murder rate in Europe. The rate is higher than Afghanistan and the US. Though it has deceased by 68% since 2000 Russia still tops the rank. All the developed European countries have a lower homicide rate than the US. Other than Russia, the only countries with a higher murder rate than …

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