Comparing Covid-19 to Other Pandemics of the Past: Chart

Pandemics are rare events. However when a pandemic hits the world, the impact on the global economy last a long time according to a research study by Keith Wade at Schroders. He notes that adverse effects can last up to 40 years. However in the current scenario, the impacts may not last that long but still the …

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Fascinating Guardian Article on The Epic Failure of the US Against Coronavius

In a democratic country it is often said you get the leaders that the people vote for. In this context the US is no different than any other democrazy. The US failed miserably in in its response against COVID-19 by political dithering and drama. In some ways the virus also exposes the weaknesses of the …

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Coronavirus Test Kit Costs Just About $130. Then Why Can’t The US Afford To Have Enough?

The US is struggling like a third-world country to contain the current Coronavirus pandemic. The wealthiest country in the world says it does not have enough test kits available to test millions of people to identify and isolate the infected. Other countries like South Korea, Singapore, Taiwan have been successful in containing the virus spread. …

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